Use your telescope mount's setting circles to find celestial objects

Use your telescope mount's setting circles to find celestial objects

Would you like to locate celestial bodies with greater ease and accuracy? Then follow this simple guide.

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Published: July 4, 2023 at 12:25 pm

The plaintive call we’ve heard from many a novice telescope user is, “I can never find anything. What am I doing wrong?”

Very often there’s a simple reason that is easy to rectify.

First, always check that your finderscope – typically a small, wide-field-of-view optical instrument mounted like a gun sight on the side of the telescope – is correctly aligned.

Then you can be sure that what you see at the centre of the finder’s eyepiece will also be visible in the main telescope.

But what if the object you wish to locate is too faint to see in the finder, or maybe it’s in an area of sky that you’re unfamiliar with?

A good technique is to use the setting circles on your telescope mount. We'll come to that in a bit, but first let's look at some other ways of successfully tracking a celestial object in the night sky.

There are three ways to track it down.


The best night-sky shape to use as a guide is the Plough: it’s large, bright and visible year-round in the northern hemisphere. It has two stars called the 'pointers' that point to Polaris, the North Star. Polaris is almost exactly above Earth’s axis at the North Pole, so doesn’t move and shows which way is north.
One of the first star hops that beginner stargazers learn is using the 'pointers' of the Plough to find the north star, Polaris.

This is the process of following a trail of interlinked and easily recognisable patterns of faint stars starting from a readily identifiable naked-eye star in the general area of your target.

You will need a detailed star atlas, or charts printed from a desktop planetarium package to a scale large enough to match the field of view of your finder/telescope.

A helpful hint to remember here is that at a magnification of about 50 times, your scope’s field of view is around 1º wide, or twice the width of the full Moon, while most optical finders have fields of around 7º.

Celestial coordinates

Celestial coordinates

Celestial coordinates are a more accurate way of locating an object in the night sky.

The coordinate conventions we use in the sky are extensions of their familiar terrestrial counterparts, latitude and longitude.

Just as latitude ranges between zero and 90 degrees north and south of the Earth’s equator, so too does declination range between zero and 90 degrees north (+) and south (-) of the celestial equator.

Whereas terrestrial longitudes range between zero and 180 degrees east and west of the Earth’s Greenwich meridian, the celestial counterpart – right ascension – is measured in hours, minutes and seconds over a zero to 24 hour range.

Go-To mounts

Go-To scopes allow you to control the mount and search the sky with a computerised handset. Credit: BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Go-To scopes allow you to control the mount and search the sky with a computerised handset. Credit: BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Still perceived by some old-school observers as cheating, the modest prices of entry-level computerised telescope mounts make them very appealing to beginners as well as experienced observers.

After performing a brief alignment procedure at the start of an observing session, the mount’s computer can accurately model the sky above and will automatically drive the scope to an object selected from a pre-programmed menu and track it.

However, for all their convenience, Go To telescopes are anathema for those with a dislike of computerised technology, whining motors, or a reliance on power sources in the field.

Setting circles

telescope setting circle

The third and time-honoured method of locating celestial objects is to make use of the setting circles built into an equatorial mount.

They offer a convenient way of locating what you want to see by ‘dialling in’ their positions from the coordinates published in catalogues.

It's much easier to track celestial objects once the equatorial mount’s polar axis was made parallel to the Earth’s axis of rotation.

You can find out more about this in our guide on how to align a telescope mount.

Accurate polar alignment is an essential prerequisite to the following procedure.

The best way to find a faint object from its catalogue coordinates is to offset from a readily identifiable nearby object like a naked-eye star.

Difference between an altaz and an equatorial mount
Altaz mounts are popular and easy to use but won’t keep celestial targets stationary in the view frame, unlike equatorial mounts which are polar-aligned to stop the field of view rotating

The reason for choosing a starting point reference object close to your intended target is that it minimises any errors you may have inadvertently made in setting up and aligning your mount.

Use a low-power eyepiece to give you a wider field of view, too.

The rest of the procedure is best illustrated by the example described below and pictured in the step-by-step guide.

It involves finding the popular summer deep-sky object the Dumbbell Nebula (M27), which is in the relatively obscure Milky Way constellation of Vulpecula.

M27 lies about 24º from the brilliant blue-white star Vega in the constellation of Lyra.

Vega, then, will be our starting point.

Consulting a catalogue gives us the following set of coordinates:

Dumbbell Nebula

The Dumbbell Nebula, Francis Bozon, remotely via Alentejo Remote Observatory, Portugal, 4 August - 28 September 2022 Equipment: Moravian G3-16200 camera, Astrosib RC 400 Ritchey-Chretien telescope, ASA DDM85 direct-drive mount
Credit: Francis Bozon
  • RA = 20h 00m
  • Dec. = +22.7°


Use star Vega to find the Lyra constellation and help you spot a Lyrid meteor. Credit: Bernhard Hubl /
Credit: Bernhard Hubl /
  • RA = 18h 37m
  • Dec. = +38.8°

Loosen the clamps locking the axes of the mount and swing the scope to point at Vega, carefully centring it in the field of view before locking the axis clamps once again.

Note the declination reading for Vega; if it doesn’t read close to +39°, very carefully adjust the indicator pin or the declination scale until it reads the correct value (consult the manual that came with your scope if necessary).

Note that checking and adjusting the declination scale is something you only have to do once with a new mount.

Check that Vega is still centred in the field of view and slip the right ascension scale until it reads the value of the star (again, consult your telescope manual for specific instructions).

The coordinate reference frame of the mount is now ‘locked’ to that of the sky.

Unlock the declination axis and move the scope down (south) by just over 16° until it reads the value of the Dumbbell Nebula: +22.7°.

Lock the declination axis once more.

Now unlock the polar axis to adjust the right ascension.

Since M27 has a right ascension greater than Vega, you need to rotate the polar axis by 1h 23m in an anti-clockwise direction (as viewed from the north) until the right ascension scale reads 20h 00m.

Carefully lock the polar axis and look through the finder or the main instrument.

You may need to use your slow motion controls to refine your pointing, but the soft glow of the nebula should be there to greet you.

Woman adjusts red light head torch
Red light head torches can be angled to keep the light where you need it while keeping your hands free to handle equipment. - Bart Niël/EyeEm



Preferably a head torch with a red Cellophane filter to preserve dark adaptation, or a small red LED keyring flashlight that you can hold in your teeth – you will need your hands free.


An accurate watch is an essential tool for astronomers. Not only will you need to time when astronomical events will occur, but it’s useful for setting your planisphere (see below) and logging observations. Remember that all your observing records should show the time in 24-hour format, Universal Time (BST minus one hour).


This is a tremendously useful accessory for planning a night’s viewing session and everyone should have one. By setting the date and time (rememberto take an hour off your watch time when BST is in force) you can see at a glance which stars will be visible for the given instant.

Star charts

A detailed set of charts complements a planisphere beautifully. They are essential should you wish to star-hop from readily identifiable stars to objects too faint to see in your finder, or to confirm that the patterns of faint stars visible in your scope are indeed the same as those you wanted to target.

A step-by-step guide to using your mount’s setting circles

Step 1

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 01

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for aligning your scope’s finder with the main instrument.

Choose a low-power eyepiece and sight along the tube to a distant and well-defined landmark to centre in the main scope’s eyepiece.

Without moving the tube, adjust the alignment screws of the finder bracket until it shows the same feature at the centre of the finder’s view.

Step 2

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 02

Accurate polar alignment is an essential before using setting circles on an equatorial mount.

Once you are confident that the polar axis of your mount is pointing as close as possible to the north celestial pole, track a star near the celestial equator for 10 minutes.

If the star slowly wanders north or south in the field of view you will need to refine your alignment.

Step 3

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 03

Use the equatorial mount’s setting circles to find the Dumbbell Nebula by offsetting in declination and right ascension from Vega, a star that lies nearby.

Once that’s centred in the field of view, check that the mount’s declination scale does indeed read the correct value.

If you have a new mount, you may need to adjust the declination scale or pointer to read the true value of +38.8º.

Step 4

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 04

With the polar (right ascension) axis and declination axis locked, check that Vega is still centred in the field of view.

You may need to refine the scope’s pointing if necessary.

Adjust the right ascension scale (see your mount’s instructions for precise details) until Vega’s catalogue value – 18h 37m – reads against the pointer.

You may need to interpolate if the scale isn’t graduated so finely.

Step 5

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 05

If you’re using a manual equatorial mount on which the right ascension scale moves with the stars, carry out the following procedure as swiftly as possible to avoid errors creeping in.

Loosen the declination axis and move the scope down (south) by a fraction over 16º until the scale reads the value of the Dumbbell Nebula: +22.7º.

Lock the declination axis once more.

Step 6

How to use setting circles on a telescope mount to find celestial targets - step 06

Unlock the polar axis clamp and rotate the scope by the difference between the right ascensions of Vega and the Dumbbell Nebula.

Depending on how the scale is calibrated on your mount, you need to rotate the scope about the polar axis by 1h 23m in a clockwise direction looking from the north until the scale reads 20h 00m.

Lock both axes and you will be very close to your intended target.

This article appeared in the July 2005 issue of Sky at Night Magazine.

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