Northern Lights alert! Here's how you can see the aurora borealis from your location in the UK

Northern Lights alert! Here's how you can see the aurora borealis from your location in the UK

Everything you need to know about seeing the aurora in the UK from northern lights hotspots such as Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England.

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Published: May 11, 2024 at 3:14 pm

Aurora displays were seen across the UK last night, 10 May 2024, even in southern parts of the country.

You'd be forgiven that thinking that seeing the aurora borealis was off the table for those of us in the UK.

But that is not the case.

It's frequently possible to see the aurora from the UK, and that's even more the case currently as we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 25, when the Sun is particularly active and Northern Lights displays are more likely to be seen.

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What causes the aurora

The northern lights are created by the Earth's magnetic field interacting with the solar wind, making the aurora notoriously unpredictable.

There are two times of year when the Solar System is best arranged for the northern lights – from January-March and September-October – but even then there’s no guarantee the aurora will appear on a given night.

Rebecca Saxton captured this image of the aurora by the river Ouse in Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK, 10 May 2024. She said
Rebecca Saxton captured this image of the aurora by the river Ouse in Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK, 10 May 2024. She said "The whole sky was illuminated with colour, I can't believe how beautiful it looked." Equipment: Canon 6D DSLR camera, Tamron 10-24mm lens. Settings: 16mm, f4, 15 seconds, ISO200. Software: Lightroom

Currently the UK is seeing beautiful Northern Lights displays even in southern parts of the country, where normally you might not expect to see the aurora.

You can find out more in our guide on how to predict an aurora display.

Leonardo Chapman captured this image of the aurora over Sheffield, UK at 23:55 BST on 10 May 2024.
Leonardo Chapman captured this image of the aurora over Sheffield, UK at 23:55 BST on 10 May 2024.

These websites measure the strength of the solar wind, which in turn shows how strong the auroral activity is likely to be and how far south it will come – an important factor as only stronger storms will come far enough south that people will be able to see the aurora in the UK.

The predicted strength of the aurora is rated using the Kp index – Kp 7 are likely to be visible throughout Scotland while the stronger (but rarer) Kp 9 events may come as far down as southern England and Wales, as recent activity has shown.

It is possible to get a day or two's warning, however, using northern lights forecast sites such as Solarham, Space Weather or Space Weather Prediction Centre.

Aurora borealis over Banbridge, County Down, Northern Ireland, captured by Chris Todd with an iPhone 12, 10 May 2024, 23:58 BST
Aurora borealis over Banbridge, County Down, Northern Ireland, captured by Chris Todd with an iPhone 12, 10 May 2024, 23:58 BST

Where in the UK can you see the aurora?

Auroral displays are most reliably seen in the ‘auroral oval’ that extends from 60 to 75ºN (which is above all but most the northern most tip of the UK) but stronger storms do come further south.

Normally you'll want to head as for north as you can, meaning the best place in the UK to see the aurora is Scotland.

Jan Mikosek captured this image of the aurora borealis using a Pixel 8 Pro smartphone on 10 May 2024 from Holmfirth, West Yorkshire.
Jan Mikosek captured this image of the aurora borealis using a Pixel 8 Pro smartphone on 10 May 2024 from Holmfirth, West Yorkshire.

The northern most Scottish Islands just sneak into the auroral oval, and so have the most reliable showings, but the mainland is far enough north that Kp6 and 7 storms are visible.

The best places to stargaze in Scotland are away from the cities, which means you'll be able to make out the subtle lights much better, and give the greatest chance of seeing the aurora in the UK.

There are several good observing areas in northern England (Kielder Forest and the Lake District) and Northern Ireland (e.g. Malin’s Head, Davagh Forest) that report aurora sightings several times a year, so its worth keeping an eye on the aurora forecast if you live in the area.

View of the aurora (and smartphone snapper) captured by Chirag Upreti from New York State, USA. Sony A7R3 camera, Sigma 14-24mm lens. Single exposure: ISO 800, 14mm, f/2.8, 10se
View of the aurora (and smartphone snapper) captured by Chirag Upreti from New York State, USA. Sony A7R3 camera, Sigma 14-24mm lens. Single exposure: ISO 800, 14mm, f/2.8, 10se

In the midlands and south of England and Wales, strong displays have been seen as far south as Cornwall during good periods of solar activity, like we're currently seeing.

Wherever you go to see the Northern Lights in the UK it’s best to suss out a dark sky site with a good view towards the north, as this is the direction the aurora will appear.

Always make sure the location is safe and you have permission to be there, particularly if you are planning on camping overnight.

Andrew Walker, Durness, UK, 6 March 2016. Equipment: Canon EOS 70D DSLR camera, Sigma 15-30mm lens, tripod.
Andrew Walker, Durness, UK, 6 March 2016. Equipment: Canon EOS 70D DSLR camera, Sigma 15-30mm lens, tripod.

What equipment do you need to see the aurora?

Watching the aurorae means being outside, at night, so it’s important to wrap up warm with multiple layers if you'r observing during a cold spell.

If you're planning on photographing the aurora, you’ll need a DSLR or bridge camera as well as a tripod (see the section below).

It’s a good idea to practice using your camera with your gloves on before you go and make sure you know where all the buttons are so that you can operate your equipment in the dark.

How predict aurora. An image of aurora captured from Oxfordshire, UK on 22 June 2015. Credit: Mary McIntyre
An image of aurora captured from Oxfordshire, UK on 22 June 2015. Credit: Mary McIntyre

You also might want a remote shutter, extra memory card and a full charged spare battery (keep this in an internal pocket – your body heat will help hold its charge).

A red-light torch and a pair of binoculars will be useful for doing a spot of stargazing while you’re out waiting for the aurora.

Finally, make sure you have food and water to keep you going throughout the night.

Read our full guide on what equipment you need for an astronomy trip to the Scottish Highlands or other remote area.

Aurora borealise over Stonehenge, the prehistoric site in Wiltshire, UK. Credit: Westend61 / Getty Images
Aurora borealis over Stonehenge, the prehistoric site in Wiltshire, UK. Credit: Westend61 / Getty Images

What does the aurora look like?

The aurora is famous for photographs of its luminous colours, however these colours are often much fainter to the naked eye and are easily washed out by light pollution or a bright Moon.

The aurora often first appear as a slowly shifting patch or stream of cloud floating across the night sky.

These can appear white to the human eye, so if you’re not sure if you’re looking at the aurora, take a quick photo will help reveal the green colour and reassure you about what you’re looking for.

Aurora over Kielder
The aurora can sometimes be seen in the skies over Kielder Observatory, Northumberland. Credit: Kielder Observatory

Don’t be disheartened if the aurora look dim at first, as they usually build and brighten as the evening progresses.

Keep vigilant, as the aurora can quickly change, going from barely visible, to a dancing show of colour within a few moments – it is this very changeability that makes the aurora such a magical sight to track down.

Read more about the type of aurora that you might be able to see and what causes them.

Photographing the northern lights

Aurora in the UK can sometimes be fairly faint, meaning they aren’t visible to the naked eye but will show up when photographed.

To photograph the aurora, you’ll need a DSLR or bridge camera which lets you control the ISO and exposure time.

Achavanich Aurora by Gordon Mackie, Caithness, UK.
Achavanich Aurora by Gordon Mackie, Caithness, UK. Equipment: Canon 760D DSLR, Sigma 10-20mm lens, Tripod.

To soak up as much light as possible, set your aperture as large and your ISO as high (at least 1600) as possible without compromising the image quality. This may take some experimenting beforehand.

To prevent blurry stars, focus your camera to infinity. Do this by zooming in on a distant light and manually bring it into focus, making sure your auto-focus function is turned off.

Next you’ll need a tripod to keep the camera steady through long exposures. Light-weight travel tripods can shake in the wind, so if things are going to be breezy it might be worth taking a more stable tripod.

Photographing the aurora
Photographing the aurora with a DSLR camera is relatively straightforward, but takes patience. - Jamie Carter

Exposure length should be between 10 and 30 seconds. Longer exposures bring out colours better, but shorter ones capture detail.

To avoid shaking the camera when hitting the shutter button it’s worth either using a remote shutter, or setting the camera’s timer for a few seconds.

The changeable nature of the aurora makes composing a photograph of the aurora difficult, but including a dramatic foreground – such as the mountains and heather of the Scottish Highlands – can really help to create a wonderful image.

UK corona aurora by Stewart Watt, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland.
UK corona aurora by Stewart Watt, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland.

The aurora are constantly changing, so take lots of images while they’re active. When you get home, you can then select the best, process them and even create aurora panoramas – but don’t forget to take in the moment, and watch the skies with your own eyes as well.

That's everything you need to know to see the aurora from the UK. Now all you have to do is wait for the northern light forecast to herald in a storm for your location, and you're all set to head out to see the show.

VisitScotland, Discover Fraserburgh, Fiona McRae

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