How to thermally optimise your telescope

How to thermally optimise your telescope

Tube currents in your telescope can affect the ability of the optics to bring light to a sharp focus. We show you how to combat these irritating effects.

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Published: September 25, 2024 at 8:35 am

Thermally optimise your telescope and it will acclimatise to the cold outdoors much better and quicker.

In this guide we'll reveal why it's important to let your telescope cool down to reach the same temperature as the outside air, and how to do it.

Thermal dynamics can have a big influence on the views you get through your telescope, blurring planetary detail, distorting star images and degrading contrast in detailed objects such as globular clusters.

If you really want the best performance – whether for astrophotography or visual observing – get to grips with these issues and minimise their impact.

Methods of cooling and thermally optimising your telescope

Fans and batteries

Altair 8-inch F4 Photo Newtonian Telescope review

For Newtonian mirror cooling, choose a low-vibration ball bearing or Hydro Wave bearing DC computer fan. Power the fan from an external power supply or an onboard battery pack.

Radiator foil

Radiator foil can be used to thermally optimise your telescope
Credit: Evgen Prozhyrko / Getty Images

The aluminised insulation sold to fit behind radiators or line lofts can also be used on the outside of a telescope tube.

Space blanket

Space blanket used for thermal optimisation of telescope

Aluminised Mylar space blanket is an alternative to radiator foil and can be bought from camping and outdoor shops. Ideally, use both products.

Scissors and insulating tape will be needed to cut and hold the radiator foil and space blanket in place.

Thermal Equilibrium optimisation and why it's important

Inside a cooling telescope, the warmer (less dense) air rises from hotter parts of the instrument as they lose heat by convection.

These ‘tube currents’ are trapped inside the telescope and, because the warmer air has a different refractive power than the cooler air, they introduce differing delays to light passing through.

This upsets the ability of the telescope’s optics to bring the light to a sharp focus.

The longer the optical path inside the telescope and the more unequal the air temperatures, the greater the problems caused by tube currents are.

Take time to let your telescope cool down and acclimatise to the outside temperature and you’ll get crisper views. Credit: Lucentius / Getty Images
Take time to let your telescope cool down and acclimatise to the outside temperature and you’ll get crisper views. Credit: Lucentius / Getty Images

For a scope with a 1m focal length, even a 0.1°C temperature difference over the length of the scope is enough to degrade images.

Larger telescopes are more affected than smaller ones due to their longer light path, but also because they have a smaller ratio of area to mass, meaning they take longer to cool down.

Reflectors tend to suffer more than refractors because light has to make one passage of the tube before being collected by the mirror and bent inwards away from the tube walls, where the worst convection currents often lurk.

In principle, to eliminate the problematic convection currents you just need to allow all parts of your telescope to cool to ambient temperature.

Thermal effects really subside when the optics and other parts inside your telescope have a less than 1ºC difference to the ambient temperature.

Space Blanket

When within 0.5°C, not only do the tube currents die right down, but the layer of warmer unstable air that is otherwise tenaciously stuck to the front of the mirror or primary lens almost completely melts away – allowing maximum optical performance.

Unfortunately, getting the telescope to cool down sufficiently is often not so easy.

If it has been stored indoors, taking it out into the cold night air and expecting it to perform at its best straight away is a mistake.

It's much better to store the telescope outside and allow it to cool down properly beforehand.

A small or medium telescope might cool down fully in 30 minutes, but a large one can take several hours to properly acclimatise.

Because air temperatures continue to fall through the night, the scope may stubbornly remain a few degrees above ambient.

Big telescopes have big mirrors and the large mass and poor conductivity of glass mean they don’t give up heat readily.

Fans blowing gently on the back of the mirror can really help.

Clear nights are cold nights. In autumn and winter, your telescope will need to acclimatise. Credit: Yako Ma / Getty Images
Clear nights are cold nights. In autumn and winter, your telescope will need to acclimatise. Credit: Yako Ma / Getty Images

Telescope cooled? Issues remain

Even if the telescope has lost all of its heat to the air, you can still get convection issues of a different kind.

Parts of the telescope that face the radiatively cold night sky, particularly the top face of the telescope’s tube, can drop several degrees below ambient temperature, inducing convection currents of cold air that continually cascade down inside the tube.

Unlike normal tube currents, which tend to die down with time, such ‘inverse’ tube current processes can plague you all night.

Combat such effects by wrapping parts of your telescope in a poorly-radiating material like shiny aluminium or a layer of insulation.

The best way to check for any residual thermal issues before starting to observe is to perform a star test where you rack an eyepiece well inside focus.

This allows you to clearly see any thermal currents in the tube silhouetted against the bright expanded disc of the defocused star.

Read our guide on how to build an artificial star to test the quality of your telescope.

Follow the steps below to see how badly thermal issues affect your telescope and reduce their severity to give sharper views of the night sky.

Telescope thermal optimisation, step-by-step

Step 1


Speed up the cooling of a Newtonian mirror by fitting a DC fan to the rear cell so that it blows onto the rear face of the mirror.

If possible, mount the fan on soft rubber washers or string it between elastic bands to isolate its vibrations.

Step 2

Thermally optimise telescope 02

A low-tech alternative to fitting an internal fan is to place a free-standing fan nearby, blowing on the mirror end.

This will help to get it closer to ambient temperature, at least until you start your observing session.

Step 3

Thermally optimise telescope 03

Allow plenty of time for the scope to acclimatise to the outside temperature before use.

To help speed things up, store your telescope in an unheated place, like a shed or garage, when not in use.

If it is stored in a warm place, it will need longer to cool.

Step 4

Thermally optimise telescope 04

Fit the scope with a layer of aluminised radiator foil to reduce inverse tube currents caused by the chilling effect of the cold night sky, especially during still and transparent nights.

This will ensure the exposed parts of the tube stay closer to ambient temperature.

Step 5

Thermally optimise telescope 05

Another way of reducing inverse tube currents is to wrap Mylar space blanket around the body of your scope.

Like the more permanent insulated foil, this reduces the radiative chilling of the telescope by the night sky.

Step 6

Thermally optimise telescope 06

Rack the eyepiece far inside focus to expand the image of a bright star to one-third of the field diameter.

Tube currents will be seen as swirling patterns of bright and dark, trapped within the circular disc.

Experiment using your hand at the front end to see the currents.

Do have any tips for thermally optimising your telescope? Or do you have any telescope questions? Get in touch by emailing

This How To appeared in the February 2015 issue of BBC Sky at Night Magazine.

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