This celestial event occurs when Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon and sunlight passes through Earth's atmosphere. This causes the light to be refracted so that the red portion of the spectrum is reflected onto the surface of the Moon creating a rusty red hue.
While much of the UK was covered in cloud for the event, many readers around the world sent in their images of the eclipse. Below is our pick of some of the best astro images of the lunar eclipse sent in by you.
Fernando Oliveira De Menezes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Equipment: ZWO ASI 1600 camera, 150mm triplet refractor.
José Manuel Perez Redondo, Spain. Equipment: Canon EOS 50D DSLR camera, Canon 70-300mm f/4-5.6 lens.
Peter Louer, Tenerife, Spain. Equipment: Canon EOS 700D DSLR camera, Canon 55-250mm lens, ISO 3200, 0.6".
José J. Chambó, Xativa Castle, Valencia, Spain. Equipment: Canon EOS 100D DSLR camera, Tamron AF 70-300mm lens.