The Moon
Beautiful images of the Moon, including images of lunar craters, clair obscur effects, lunar maria and astrophotos showing the terminator creeping across the Moon's jagged surface.
Lunar eclipses explained
What is a lunar eclipse and why do they happen? Discover the science of lunar eclipses and view amazing pictures of the rusty-red 'blood Moon'.
Gallery | Plato Crater
Facts about Plato Crater and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Harvest Moon
What is a Harvest Moon, and and are they really worth the hype?
Gallery | Full Moon
Some will tell you a full Moon is the worst time to observe our lunar neighbour, but there's still plenty to see when the Moon is fully illuminated.
Gallery | Planes in front of the Sun and Moon
A gallery of images of planes passing in front of the solar or lunar disc.
A guide to the Moon's crater Gutenberg
The lumps, bumps, rilles and ancient craters of this region are particularly rich to examine when the Sun is low.
Gallery | Mare Serenitatus
Our complete guide to Mare Serenitatus, including images of the lunar feature and the best time to observe it.
Gallery | Pitatus Crater
Our complete guide to Pitatus Crater, including images of the lunar feature and the best time to observe it.
Gallery | Rupes Recta
Facts about Rupes Recta, the 'Straight Wall', and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Mare Imbrium and Sinus Iridium
Facts about Mare Imbrium and Sinus Iridium, and images of these fascinating lunar features.
Gallery | Archimedes Crater
Facts about Archimedes Crater and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Ptolemaeus Crater
Facts about Ptolemaeus Crater and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Proclus Crater
Facts about Proclus Crater and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Mare Humorum
Our complete guide to Mare Humorum, including images of the lunar feature and the best targets to observe.
Gallery | Gassendi Crater
Our complete guide to Gassendi Crater, including images of the lunar feature and the best targets to observe.
Gallery | Mare Frigoris
Our complete guide to Mare Frigoris, including images of the lunar feature and the best targets to observe.
Gallery | Mare Crisium
Facts about Mare Crisium and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Atlas and Hercules Craters
Our complete guide to Atlas and Hercules, including images of the lunar craters and the best features to observe around them.
Gallery | Aristillus Crater
Our complete guide to Aristillus Crater, including images of the lunar feature and the best time to observe it.
Gallery | Endymion Crater
Our complete guide to Endymion Crater, including images of the lunar feature and the best time to observe it.
Gallery | Pythagoras Crater
Our complete guide to Pythagoras Crater, including images of the lunar feature and the best targets to observe.
Gallery | Mare Fecunditatis
Our complete guide to Mare Fecunditatis, including images of the lunar feature and the best targets to observe.
Gallery | Grimaldi Crater
Facts about Grimaldi Crater and images of this fascinating lunar feature.
Gallery | Mare Tranquillitatis
Our complete guide to Mare Tranquillitatis, including images of the lunar feature and the best time to observe it.