Star clusters
Facts and images about the gravitationally-bound collections of stars known as star clusters, including globular clusters and open clusters.
Observing guide | Globular clusters
Globular clusters are some of the most beautiful objects to observe through a telescope. Discover the science of globulars and the best to see in the night sky.
Gallery | Hercules Globular Cluster
M13, the Hercules Globular Cluster, is perhaps the most famous of all globulars.
Gallery | Omega Centauri globular cluster
Facts about the Omega Centauri globular cluster, one of the oldest objects in the Universe.
Gallery | The Pleiades
A guide to M45, also known as the Pleiades, and images of the famous open star cluster.
Gallery | Open star clusters
A guide to open star clusters and images captured by astrophotographers.
Gallery | Messier 35 and NGC 2158
A guide to M35 and NGC 2158, two open star clusters that are much further away from each other than they might appear.
Gallery | Messier 39
Facts about and images of M39, the open star cluster in Cygnus.
Gallery | Messier 37
Facts about and images of the open cluster M37 in Auriga.
Gallery | Messier 34
A guide to open star cluster M34 and images of the deep-sky target.
Gallery | Owl Cluster
A guide to NGC 457, also known as the Owl Cluster, and images of the target captured by amateur astrophotographers.
Gallery | Beehive Cluster
Facts about and images of M44, also known as the Beehive Cluster.
Gallery | Messier 3
Facts about and images of Messier 3, one of the most famous globular clusters in the night sky.
Gallery | Perseus Double Cluster
Images of the Perseus Double Cluster and advice on how to observe it.
Gallery | Caroline's Rose Cluster
Facts about NGC 7789, also known as Caroline's Rose.