Ben Skuse
Science writer
Benjamin Skuse is a freelance science writer who enjoys observing the night sky free of light pollution from the Somerset Levels
Recent articles by Ben Skuse
Could Earth ever be swallowed by a black hole?
Is it possible for Earth to fall into a black hole? Should we be worried about our home planet disappearing any time soon?
What is a black hole?
What is a black hole made of? Is there anything on the other side? How do we know they exist?
How scientists in Antarctica get a double dose of Christmas
Skeleton crews on Antarctic research bases - known as 'winterovers' - have festivities in December and June.
The UK's 'Hidden Figures'?
The UK has a lot of work to do in attracting black women into astronomy, writes Ben Skuse.
Review: Solarsphere 2017
BBC Sky at Night joined revellers for a weekend of music and family-friendly astronomical fun at this year’s Solarsphere.