Deirdre Kelleghan
Astronomy educator
Deirdre Kelleghan is an artist, astronomer and educator.
Recent articles by Deirdre Kelleghan
From comet to canvas. Artist sketches Comet C/2023 A3 over the Wild Atlantic on the west coast of Ireland
10 best places for stargazing in Ireland
Our guide to the best places to view the night sky on the Emerald Isle.
How to sketch an astronomical deep-sky object
Astronomy sketching is a rewarding and creative way to record what you can see through your telescope.
How to draw a nebula at your telescope
Astro artist Deirdre Kelleghan shows you how to capture the beauty of a nebula with paper and pastels.
How to draw the Moon
There’s no better way to familiarise yourself with lunar features than by drawing them. Read our guide and find out how to sketch the Moon.