Ian Ridpath
Astronomy communicator
Ian Ridpath is a veteran populariser of astronomy and the editor of the Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy.
Recent articles by Ian Ridpath
The best space and astronomy Google Doodles
Our pick of the best Google Doodles that have paid tribute to astronomers, celestial events and milestones in spaceflight.
A history of star Algol, the winking 'Demon Star' in Perseus
An investigation of the myth around the celebrated ‘winking’ star in Perseus.
The history of the Southern Hemisphere constellations
The story of how it took 150 years of exploration to fill the skies of the Southern Hemisphere with 26 new constellations.
Canes Venatici: A guide to the hunting dogs constellation
The origin of Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs, can be traced to the 17th century, but who deserves credit?