Katharine Kilgour
Recent articles by Katharine Kilgour
Celebrate the eclipse with our solar eclipse cookies
Make these easy eclipse cookies and celebrate totality.
Bake a Heart Nebula cheesecake this Valentine's Day
Our regular astrobaker Katharine Kilgour turns to one of the most familiar deep-sky objects as inspiration for this Valentine's Day cheesecake.
Astrobaking: Summer Triangle cookies
Amateur astronomer and baker Katharine Kilgour pays tribute to the Summer Triangle asterism with stellar cookies.
Bake our meteor munchies
Amateur astronomer and baker Katharine Kilgour marks this month's Lyrid meteor shower by baking some rocky meteor munchies.
Astrobaking: Eggs In Space!
Amateur astronomer and baker Katharine Kilgour marks this year's Shrove Tuesday with a recipe for pancakes that are out of this world.
Astrobaking: Stellar Christmas Tree Decorations
Amateur astronomer and baker Katharine Kilgour pays tribute to the winter nights of stargazing with some festive stellar Christmas tree ornaments.
Astrobaking: Moon Cake recipe
Bake the Moon and its craters with this cake-based replica of our lunar companion.
Cook our Saturn Soup with muffins and cheesy moons
Our resident astrobaker turns from sweet to savoury this time, recreating the ringed planet Saturn with soup, muffins and crumbly, cheesy moons.
How to bake a cake shaped like the planet Mercury
Pay tribute to the rocky planet Mercury with our spherical Mercury cake, complete with chocolate truffle core, in this easy-to-bake recipe.
Astrobaking: Star-filled Christmas Wreath
Amateur astronomer and baker Katharine Kilgour celebrates the longer, darker nights of the season with a star-filled Christmas cake.
Bake our Jupiter shortbread
Are you a fan of baking and astronomy? Pay tribute to the gas giant Jupiter and bake our tasty shortbread treats.