Mary McIntyre
Mary McIntyre is an outreach astronomer and teacher of astrophotography based in Oxfordshire, UK.
Recent articles by Mary McIntyre
DIY Astronomy | Make a Solar System model
Make a model that shows the distances between the planets to scale.
How to point your smartphone through your telescope and capture incredible images of the night sky
Is a day really 24 hours? Calculate the speed of Earth's rotation by observing the night sky
Studying the movement of the stars to work out the length of time it takes Earth to spin once on its axis.
Want to see the Northern Lights tonight? Here are 6 ways to successfully predict an aurora display
Top tips an online resources for taking the guesswork out of catching the amazing natural spectacle.
Make your own Moon impact craters
This fun activity for family and kids brings to life the drama of meteor impacts on the Moon and is a great science project for school or at home.
Make a model showing what causes a solar eclipse or lunar eclipse
Follow our DIY guide and make a simple model demonstrating how a solar and lunar eclipse works for a fun children's school science project.
How to observe and explore constellations in the sky
Once you've located a constellation and can recognise it in the night sky, try these exercises to really get to know your chosen star pattern.
Make a Christmas fairylights constellation
Complete our crafty astronomy project over the festive holidays.
Create star trails images with this free software
Use free software Sequator to create your own star trails images.
Make a Sun, Earth and Moon model
A simple, hands-on project to teach surface features and orbits of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon to beginners and youngsters.
How CCTV cameras can play a huge role in meteor science
Mary McIntyre reveals how basic home CCTV cameras can play a big part in meteor science.
Build a simple tool for measuring the sky
Make a device from simple household items to measure the sky more consistently than with the hand method.
Top tips for helping your family and kids use a telescope
Advice for helping family members - young and old - use a telescope and get the most out of the night sky.
How to get your telescope view on a laptop or computer screen
Display and share your telescope view on a laptop for everyone to enjoy.
How to create a 24-hour star trails image
Follow our step-by-step guide and merge a series of photos to make a spectacular image showing Earth’s rotation.
How to make a paper sundial
Our paper sundial is a great science project for kids at home or in school.
How to measure craters on the Moon
Use shadows to measure the height of the central peak in a lunar crater.
Make a 3D model of our nearest stars
Get to know the distances between the Sun and its closest stellar neighbours
DIY Astronomy | Make a Milky Way model
Make a model of our galaxy: a fun how-to project for school or home.
DIY Astronomy | Make a camera lens dew heater
Stop your camera fogging up by making your own DIY lens warmer, which will help keep condensation on your camera lens at bay.
Make a Solar System mobile for kids
Our easy DIY Solar System mobile doesn't require a printable template: just follow our step-by-step instructions to create a hanging mobile of the Sun and planets.
DIY Astronomy | Make a model of a comet
Follow our simple DIY guide and make your own model of a comet using household objects. A great arts and craft project to stimulate young minds.
Set up a Raspberry Pi meteor detector
Detect meteors in the night sky with a Raspberry Pi and become a citizen scientist in the Global Meteor Network.
An astronomer's tour of autumn and winter targets
Autumn and winter provide great viewing conditions and there is a wealth of objects to observe. Here are some of the best astronomical targets.