Ninian Boyle
Ninian Boyle is an astronomer, a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, an astronomy writer and communicator.
Recent articles by Ninian Boyle
How a Moon filter can improve your observations of the Moon
What does a telescope Moon filter do, and why should you use one?
What's the difference between an equatorial mount and an altazimuth mount?
How does each type of mount work, how do they differ, and which should you use?
How to set up an equatorial mount
Read our guide to set up your telescope's equatorial mount and get observing the night sky in no time.
Best laser collimators for telescopes, 2025
Find out how laser collimators can help with telescope setup, and some of the best models available.
How to sharpen your eyesight for astronomy
Follow the simple advice outlined here and you’ll be seeing much more clearly in as little as six months.