Paul Money
Paul Money is an experienced astronomer, BBC Sky at Night Magazine's former Reviews Editor and author of the annual stargazing guide Nightscenes.
Recent articles by Paul Money
A hefty telescope indeed! We reviewed the RVO Horizon 8-inch f/6 Dobsonian
Observing guide | Upcoming conjunctions and how to see them
Find out which conjunctions to look for in the night sky over the coming weeks.
Autumn astronomy | The best targets for longer nights
As nights get longer, these are the top night-sky highlights of autumn and how to see them.
Daytime astronomy
Just because the nights are getting short doesn’t mean you can’t stargaze. We take a look at all the different kinds of astronomy you can do while the Sun is still up in the sky.
Unistellar Odyssey Pro review
From planets to galaxies, this foolproof all-in-one captures them all – for a price.
Altazimuth telescope mounts: what they are, how to set one up and how to use them for observing the night sky
Our guide to what altaz mounts are, how they work and why they're important for practical astronomy.
Confused about equatorial mounts? Find out how to set one up and track objects across the night sky
For newcomers to astronomy, setting up an equatorial mount may seem a daunting task, but it's easy when you know how.
Review of the William Optics RedCat 61WIFD Petzval apo refractor, a great astrophotography telescope
An impressive astrograph that would make a fine addition to anyone’s imaging setup.
How to see all 6 Apollo landing sites on the Moon
It is possible to spot the landing sites of Apollo 11 - 17 on the Moon with a telescope. Find out how in our observing guide.
Is the Dwarflab Dwarf II smart telescope any good? We put it to the test
This little dual-camera system makes astro imaging a piece of cake for novices
Observing guide | The best targets to see in the Orion constellation
A guide to the Orion constellation, how to see it and the Hunter's best deep-sky objects.
Stellina Observation Station: a good option for beginners?
We got the chance to tinker with the new Stellina telescope. But is it a suitable option for astrophotography newcomers?
Nikon Action EX 7x50 CF binoculars review
The Nikon Action EX 7x50 CF binoculars offers sharp optics, great internal blackout and well-fitting caps.
Helios Stellar-II 7x50 binoculars review
The Helios Stellar-II 7x50 binoculars review have a firm feel and are easy to hold, thanks to rubberised grip.
Opticron Marine-3 7x50 binoculars review
The Opticron Marine-3 7x50 binoculars offer independent focusing of the eyepieces and good colour contrast.
Visionary HD 7x50 binoculars review
The Visionary 7x50 is a nice pair of binoculars, with multicoated optics that do an excellent job on a range of targets.
Sky-Watcher AZ-GTiX dual-saddle mount and tripod
An app-controlled, lightweight setup that offers double the mounting capacity.
How to remove star trails in your night-sky photography
Follow our astrophotography processing guide to get pinpoint stars that don't trail in the final result.
How to stack and derotate images with Astro Pixel Processor
Use APP to iron out the imperfections in your Go-To altaz image captures.
How to do deep-sky astrophotography with an alt-az mount
Advances in camera and processing software are changing what’s possible with Go-To altazimuth setups,
Best light pollution filters for telescopes
These astronomy accessories will help you get more out of your observing if you live close to bright city lights.
Starbase 80 refractor and mount package review
The Starbase 80 system is an excellent entry-level opportunity for amateur astronomers, with a good variety of targets on view.
NightCap Camera app for iPhone/iPad review
Are you interested in iPhone astrophotography? With its ability to capture planets, the Moon and summer stars, NightCap may be the app for you.
How to polar align a star tracker mount
Set up this vital piece of deep-sky astrophotography equipment via our step-by-step guide.