Sean Blair
Space writer
Sean Blair is a space writer and editorial consultant for the European Space Agency's web portal team, based at ESTEC, in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
Recent articles by Sean Blair
9 space stations of the future that will carry the baton once the International Space Station is deorbited
Antiseptic, garbage, body odour, BBQ - what astronauts say the International Space Station smells like
Unsurprisingly, it’s tricky to keep a continuously occupied space station smelling sweet.
An astronaut takes off their helmet in space. How long do they survive?
What happens if an astronaut takes off their helmet in space? How long would they survive and what would happen to their body?
What will replace the International Space Station?
Approaching a quarter century in orbit, the International Space Station is nearer its end than its beginning. What comes next?
Space the Human Story: 4 questions for astronaut Tim Peake
We review Peake's latest book and ask him 4 questions on the past, present and future of human spaceflight.
6 of the biggest dangers on the International Space Station
What are the biggest threats posed to astronauts living and working on the ISS, and how do they avoid the risks associated with life in space?