Earth from space
Pictures of planet Earth from space captured by astronauts from the International Space Station, Earth-orbiting satellites and other space missions.
Ireland from space
A selection of images of the Emerald Isle from Earth orbit.
Comet C/2024 G3 | Astronomer captures comet from the Space Station
Yes, your Christmas lights CAN be seen from space – just ask NASA
Incredible footage from NASA satellite shows the Moon passing Earth, from a million miles away
Astronaut Don Pettit's best images
What Earth looks like from other planets
Beautiful images of London's River Thames from space
October 2024 aurora from space
Earth from space | Great Barrier Reef
Video | Hurricane Helene seen from the International Space Station
Gallery | Pictures of Earth from space
Restored images of Earth captured during the Apollo missions cast new light on the fragility of our planet.
Earth from space | Grand Canyon
Juice spacecraft captures images of our home planet during the first ever Earth-Moon flyby
Where is Ibiza? Images of the Spanish island from space show its location and major cities
Northern Lights from space
The May 2024 Northern Lights aurora display was captured stretching across the USA from space by a NASA Earth-orbiting satellite.
New York, Philadelphia, Boston... Saturn. Astronaut captures lights of northeastern USA from Space Station
Image from space shows lights of NYC, Washington, Philadelphia and Boston, curvature of Earth and the planet Saturn.
Northern Europe at night from space
Image captures the light pollution of major cities like London, Paris and Amsterdam.
UK firm captures video of Moon's shadow on Earth during eclipse, plans 24/7 livestream from the Space Station
UK firm Sen has captured the Moon's shadow on Earth using its 4K satellite.
Want to see the April eclipse from space? NASA and NOAA captured images of the Moon's shadow on Earth
Can you see the Great Wall of China from space?
It's a popular myth, but is there any weight behind the claim of the Great Wall's visibility from Earth orbit?
Earth in Our Hands - Astronaut Thomas Pesquet reveals what it's like seeing Earth from the Space Station
Thomas Pesquet reveals what life is like on the ISS in an extract from his new book, The Earth in Our Hands.
Eye On The Sky | Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast glimmers in International Space Station image
A beautiful view of Earth from space, as seen by astronauts on the International Space Station
Eye On The Sky | Bepi Colombo spacecraft's final glimpse of Earth
The BepiColombo spacecraft takes a final look at Earth following a gravity-assist flyby of our planet.