Film and TV reviews
How to watch every Alien movie in order
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No-one can hear you scream! Our pick of the best horror movies set in space
Our pick of the best macabre movies set among the stars.
23 best space and sci-fi movies of all time
Our pick of the best space and sci-fi movies of all time, from newly-released blockbusters to all-time classics.
Radio Times | Apollo 11 on-screen: TV, film and radio celebrating the moonlanding
Film review: Ryan Gosling stars as Neil Armstrong in First Man
Ryan Gosling plays astronaut Neil Armstrong in First Man, the story of the Apollo 11 Moon landing from La La Land director Damien Chazelle.
Film review: Mission Control
BBC Sky at Night Magazine reviews documentary film Mission Control.
Operation Avalanche
Iain Todd reviews Operation Avalanche, a Cold War comedy about a pair of CIA agents who find themselves faking the Apollo Moon landing.
Review: An Evening with Chris Hadfield
Chris Hadfield brings his Unique Lives tour to the UK and Ireland, a one-man show taking its audience on a journey of inspiration.
Review: The Story of the Solar System
Those who didn't fancy watching the X Factor on Saturday evening were treated to an expansive and exciting theatre show called Story of the Solar System.
Film review: The Last Man On The Moon
The Last Man On The Moon is a documentary film about Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan.
Film review: Star Men
Four of the world’s most influential astronomers reunite to celebrate 50 years of friendship on a road trip in the southwestern United States.
An Hour On The Moon
BBC Sky at Night Magazine attends the first annual Colin Pilinger memorial talk.
Film review: Interstellar
We review the latest space epic from director Christopher Nolan
Tour of the Universe begins in Dorking
The astronomy chat show will visit the rest of the UK throughout October