Welcome to the new-look website from BBC Sky at Night Magazine.
Over the past few months it became apparent that our old website was in need of a refresh. Our team has worked tirelessly to build a new site that, we hope, will be a vast improvement.
We would really appreciate your feedback and help with discovering any bugs or issues with the site, so if you happen to come across any, please let us know by emailing contactus@skyatnightmagazine.com.
In the meantime, we hope you'll enjoy the many sections of the website covering different topics such as:
- Astronomy for beginners
- Equipment reviews
- Space missions
- Space science
- DIY astronomy
- Stargazing skills
- Astrophotography galleries
We look forward to working on the website over the coming year and making it a great place to visit for space and astronomy news, practical guides and tutorials to help you get the best from the night sky.