Curiosity Rover
NASA rover sees rare, colourful clouds on Mars
See that blue dot? That's us. Planet Earth and Martian moon Phobos photographed by a rover on the Red Planet
NASA Curiosity rover's incredible image showing rays of sunlight passing through a bank of clouds on Mars
The Martian rover has sent back an image of crepuscular rays shining through a bank of clouds on the Red Planet.
Mars's seasons may have helped life emerge
Curiosity Mars rover captures morning and afternoon images at site of ancient lake
A new NASA image shows a region of Mars called Marker Band Valley as seen at two different times of day on the Red Planet.
A history of the Curiosity rover's mission on Mars
NASA’s car-sized Red Planet rover has set new standards in planetary exploration, but what has it discovered so far?
Eye On The Sky | NASA's Mars Curiosity rover captures a new selfie
The Curiosity rover continues to traverse the Martian landscape searching for clues that might reveal the Red Planet's ancient history.
Ancient oasis discovered on Mars points to Red Planet's wet past
Further evidence has been discovered supporting the picture of Mars as having hosted liquid water in its ancient past.
Curiosity measures Mount Sharp's gravity
Curiosity accidentally recreated an experiment first performed by Apollo 17, finding that Mount Sharp is not as dense as previously thought. The finding throws uncertainty on how the mountain was created.
Curiosity stops transmitting science data
An unknown glitch in NASA's Curiosity rover is preventing the Martian explorer from transmitting data back to Earth.
Perfect storm brewing on Mars
A dust storm on Mars could cause problems for the Opportunity rover, but the other four active Martian missions will have the opportunity to study the storm in detail.
Evidence of life found on Mars?
NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered organic molecules embedded in sedimentary rocks on Mars and variations of methane in its atmosphere, which could be signs of life
Mars paradox intrigues scientists
NASA scientists are attemtping to resolve a paradox in data collected on Mars.
Unexpected mineral discovered on Mars
NASA's Curosity rover is helping scientists unlock the geological history of the Red Planet.
Ancient lakes confirmed on Mars
NASA observations of Mars continue to throw up new revelations regarding the history of water on the Red Planet.
Curiosity finds useable nitrogen on Mars
Biologicially useful nitrogen could indicate a habitable past for the Red Planet
Curiosity is ready for launch!
Find details of Curiosity's launch scheduled for Saturday 26 November