Imaging planets with a Dobsonian telescope
Dobsonian scopes can be adapted for effective planetary imaging. Read our guide to find out how.
Omegon ProDob N 203/1200 telescope review
Explore Scientific Ultra Light 16-inch Dobsonian Generation II review
A sturdy 16-inch reflector that’s surprisingly easy to transport and assemble
Get to grips with Dobsonians
What Dobsonian telescopes are, how they work and how an amateur design took over the world.
Sky-Watcher Stargate-500P SynScan Dobsonian review
Bigger appears to be better when it comes to telescopes
A Universe of possibilities
There are so many possibilities open to the modern amateur astronomer, writes Paul Money.
Can an amateur astronomer's telescope be too big?
Can a telescope be too big? That's a question that faces many an amateur astronomer from time to time.
SkyVision 24-inch T600 Compact Go-To Dobsonian review
A mighty truss Dobsonian with a colossal aperture and smooth tracking.
Explore Scientific 16-inch truss tube Dobsonian
A light and compact Dobsonian that offers excellent optical performance.
Bresser Messier 8-inch Dobsonian review
The Bresser Messier 8-inch Dobsonian is a flexible instrument that can be altaz or equatorially mounted.
Revelation 10-inch M-CRF Premium Dobsonian review
An easy to use telescope that isn’t just for beginners
SkyVision 12-inch T300 Compact Dobsonian review
The SkyVision T300 Compact is a well-designed system that will give many years of enjoyment of the night sky.
Orion SkyQuest XT8 PLUS Dobsonian telescope review
Extras are as important as optics in this beginner package. Observing deep-sky objects is a strength of Dobsonians and this one is no exception
Revelation 16-inch f/4.5 M-CRF Truss Dobsonian review
A large-aperture Dobsonian telescope at an affordable price, this is a decent scope that yields great deep-sky views but doesn’t cost a fortune.
Orion SkyQuest XT10g Go-To Dobsonian Telescope review
The motors mean you don’t have to push this Dobsonian manually and unevenly round the sky – the Go-To makes tracking easy and even
Tele Vue 3.7mm Ethos-SX 110° eyepiece review
With the 3.7mm Ethos-SX 110° eyepiece, Tele Vue has delivered a true space simulator experience with ‘spacewalk’ views.
Skyliner-300P FlexTube Auto review
Sky-Watcher’s latest Dobsonian telescope can track the stars so that the views through its huge aperture stay in the eyepiece
In memory of John Dobson
BBC Sky at Night Magazine's Reviews Editor, Paul Money, discusses the latest astro equipment news
An interview with John Dobson
John Dobson, creator of the Dobsonian telescope, passed away on 15 January 2014
Orion SkyQuest XX16g Dobsonian review
The XX16g’s innovative design features enhance the appeal of owning a large Dobsonian. It's certainly one to show off at a star party.
GSO Dobsonian GSD 250 C review
BBC Sky at Night Magazine reviews the GSO Dobsonian GSD 250 C Telescope
SkyWatcher Skyliner-250PX FlexTube review
The SkyWatcher Skyliner-250PX FlexTube integrates some of the best aspects of other Dobsonians.
Orion SkyQuest XT10g review
BBC Sky at Night Magazine thoroughly enjoyed the Orion SkyQuest XT10g Dobsonian Telescope