

Could life exist on Titan?

Cold temperatures and harsh conditions make Titan one of the last places in the Solar System we might expect life to exist. But data sent back by the Cassini-Huygens mission has revealed the Saturnian moon could contain the right chemicals for certain kinds of life to flourish.

Fizzy lakes on Titan?

Simulations by NASA scientists show that the lakes on Saturn's moon Titan could be bubbly.

Cassini unveils Titan's surprising seasonal weather

The spacecraft reveals dramatic weather changes on Saturn's largest moon.

Prof John Zarnecki on his work with the Huygens probe

With Destination Titan airing this Sunday on BBC Four, Sky at Night Magazine spoke to Prof John Zarnecki about his mission to explore Saturn's enigmatic moon.

Snow-white clouds in Titan's smog

NASA's Cassini spacecraft spots thin, Cirrus-like clouds in atmosphere of Saturn's moon
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