Apollo 11
Expert articles and guides about Apollo 11, the first mission to land human beings on the surface of the Moon.
How to see Apollo 11's landing site on the Moon
The spot where Apollo 11 touched down on the Moon is visible from Earth and is easy to spot through a telescope, provided you know how.
One small step for man... What did Neil Armstrong really say when he stepped onto the Moon?
A grammatical debate has plagued one of the most famous lines in history, ever since it was first spoken.
How to see all 6 Apollo landing sites on the Moon
It is possible to spot the landing sites of Apollo 11 - 17 on the Moon with a telescope. Find out how in our observing guide.
6 Apollo Moonlanding conspiracy theories and how to defeat them
Did humans really land on the Moon? What if it was faked? Here are six common Apollo 11 Moonlanding conspiracy theories and how to debunk them.
Former Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins dies aged 90
Former astronaut Michael Collins, who was part of the Apollo 11 crew that landed on the Moon, has passed away aged 90, his family have said.
Secrets of Apollo | The Apollo spacesuit
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
Secrets of Apollo | The Saturn V's F-1 engine
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
Secrets of Apollo | The missions that might have been
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
History Extra | The history of the moonlanding
Radio Times | Apollo 11 on-screen: TV, film and radio celebrating the moonlanding
Secrets of Apollo | The Apollo Guidance Computer
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
Secrets of Apollo | The versatile Lunar Module
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
Science Focus | “We choose to go to the Moon”: Read JFK’s Moon speech in full
Science Focus | Ladies who launch: the women behind the Apollo Program
Science Focus Podcast | Why is the Moon landing still relevant 50 years on?
Secrets of Apollo | The Saturn V's autopilot
In our six-part series, author and spaceflight expert Rod Pyle looks at at some of the daunting challenges of the lunar landing effort, and the incredible engineering feats that allowed the Apollo programme to succeed.
Radio Astronomy Podcast | Apollo 11: 50th anniversary special
Join us for an Apollo 11 special, as we look back to the first Moon landing and how it changed our view of the Universe forever.
In pictures | Apollo 11's return to Earth, 24 July 1969
Having set foot on the Moon, the Apollo 11 astronauts returned safely to Earth just days later. But they weren't ready to return to normality just yet.
The day I met Neil Armstrong
Having been fascinated by Apollo 11, a combination of luck, letter-writing and impulse helped Richard Phillips meet his hero, the astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Why were Apollo 11 astronauts put in quarantine?
David Darling looks at the period of quarantine the Apollo 11 crew were put under on their return to Earth.
Saturn V | The rocket that put men on the Moon
Spaceflight expert Peter Bond investigates Apollo 11's giant Saturn V rocket, and how it was constructed.
What have the Apollo 11 lunar samples taught us about the Moon?
Former NASA planetary scientist Dr Wendell Mendell examines what the lunar rocks returned to Earth by Apollo 11 have told us about Earth's satellite.
Apollo 11 Mission Control: the people behind the Moon landing
The people of Mission Control oversaw the journey to the Moon from a windowless room. We investigate their pivotal role.
The Apollo 11 mission patch: how it came to be
A look at the history of the Apollo 11 mission patch and the origins of its design.