Gravitational waves
Meet LISA, a trio of space satellites separated by 2.5 million kilometres that will detect ripples in spacetime
A new era of gravitational wave astronomy is on its way as the ambitious upcoming LISA space mission joins
a host of huge detectors on Earth.
Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime caused by cosmic collisions, and provide a new way of observing the Universe
What are gravitational waves, and what can they tell us about the Universe?
Strange, rare stellar duo could be the remnants of two dead stars, destined to collide in a supernova explosion
An unusual binary could be the ‘before’ shot of a supernova.
Radio Astronomy Podcast | Detecting spacetime ripples of black holes
Astronomers have detected evidence of gravitational waves from supermassive black holes at the centres of merging galaxies.
'Galaxy-sized' detector measures echos of colliding black holes
By observing their effect on pulsars, astronomers have detected low frequency gravitational waves emerging from the distant Universe.
Searching for gravitational waves from supermassive black holes
Looking at quasars could help uncover gravitational waves from colliding galaxies.
Gravitational waves detected in same area of sky as Betelgeuse
The detection of gravitational waves near supergiant Betelgeuse has led some to wonder whether the two could be related.
Gravitational waves at galaxy edges
The edges of spiral galaxies may be one of the best places in the cosmos to look for gravitational waves, according to a new study.
Neutron stars' afterglow brightens
In August 2017, scientists detected gravitational waves generated by the merging of two neutron stars. The afterglow from that stellar collision has continued to brighten over time.
Do black holes lurk on galaxy edges?
A study that suggests populations of massive black holes lurk on the edges of spiral galaxies could have implications for the hunt for gravitational waves.
AI trained to seek out light-bending galaxies
The search for gravitational lenses is an important part of investigations into dark matter, but involves painstaking analysis of data. A team of scientists are hoping that artificial intelligence can help.
Light From Gravitational Wave Source Detected
The study of gravitational waves continues. The latest leap forward is the detection of light from a source event for the first time.
New gravitational wave detection announced
For the first time, gravitational waves have been detected by three different detectors working in tandem.
Astronomers spot galaxy 5 billion lightyears away
Observations of a galaxy five billion lightyears away are helping astronomers understand more about how magnetic fields form and evolve over time.
Potential gravitational waves found in galaxy
Astronomers have detected X-ray sources in a galaxy that could eventually produce gravitational waves.
UK-led gravitational wave telescope gets first light
The hunt for gravitational waves continues, now boosted by a new ground-based telescope led by a British university.
Gravitational waves detected for third time
Following its landmark detection of gravitational waves in September 2015, the LIGO experiment has continued to search for ripples in space-time caused by massive, violent events in space.
Black hole booted by gravitational wave
Astronomers have spotted a black hole speeding away from its galactic host, and gravitational waves could be the answer.
Scientists detect gravitational waves
100 years after Einstein presented his theory of general relativity to the world, the presence of gravitational waves has been detected for the first time.
First direct evidence for cosmic inflation announced
The first direct images of gravitational waves support the Universe's rapid expansion