How to observe a gibbous Moon

How to observe a gibbous Moon

A gibbous Moon is a spectacular sight. Here are some of the top features to see on a waxing and waning gibbous.

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Published: July 29, 2021 at 11:47 am

The term 'gibbous Moon' describes the phase when the side of the Moon that faces Earth appears more than half-lit by the Sun, but is less than fully lit.

The full cycle of the phases of the Moon - known as the lunar month - takes about 29 days to go from new Moon to full Moon and back again.

Visually speaking, a gibbous Moon is the opposite of a crescent Moon. It can either be a waxing gibbous - as it approaches full Moon - or a waning gibbous - as it approaches new Moon, and is punctuated by the first and last of the quarter Moon phases.

This is perhaps better illustrated if we consider the phases of the Moon, stage-by-stage.

The phases of the Moon. Credit: Yaorusheng / Getty Images
The phases of the Moon. Credit: Yaorusheng / Getty Images

During a lunar month, the Moon goes from new Moon, through the waxing crescent phase up to first quarter when the Moon's disc appears half illuminated.

As more of the Earth-facing side of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun each day, this is known as the waxing gibbous phase, which occurs until full Moon, when the lunar disc is fully illuminated.

Then, the cycle reverses and goes from full Moon, through a waning gibbous phase until last quarter when, again, the lunar disc is half-illuminated (but this time on the opposite side).

Slowly, less and less of the Moon's disc is illuminated during the waning crescent phase, until we're back to new Moon and the cycle begins again.

The waxing gibbous phase lasts from about day 8 to day 14 (full Moon) of the lunar cycle, and the waning gibbous phase lasts from about day 15 to day 22 (last quarter).

The phases of the Moon. Þ The inner circle shows what the Moon looks like seen from above its north pole, while the outer circle shows the phase we see from Earth at that time. Credit: BBC Sky at Night Magazine
The phases of the Moon. The inner circle shows what the Moon looks like seen from above its north pole, while the outer circle shows the phase we see from Earth. at that time. Credit: BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Observing a gibbous Moon

Unlike a full Moon, when the entirety of the Earth-facing lunar disc is lit by sunlight, during the gibbous phase, the terminator (the line dividing the lit and unlit portions of the disc) moves steadily across the surface.

If you observe the Moon during the gibbous phase, night after night you'll see the terminator creep across the lunar disc, casting shadows on certain features such as craters and lunar maria.

As a result, the gibbous phase makes for a great time to observe the Moon with binoculars or telescope to get a closer look at some of its features.

Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah and Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.

Let's take a look at some of the key features to spot on the lunar surface during the gibbous phases.

For more advice on exploring the Moon with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope - whatever the phase - read our guides on how to observe the Moon and the best features on the Moon.

Or if lunar sketching is more your thing, read our guide on how to draw the Moon.

Observing a waxing gibbous

Day 8: Rupes Recta

Just south of the Moon’s equator is the Moon’s sixth biggest mare – the vast Mare Nubium, a basin 750km (466 miles) in diameter.

Look for a pencil-thin dark line running almost parallel to the nearby terminator. That’s the shadow cast by Rupes Recta, a 110km- (68 mile) long fault better known as the Straight Wall.

The Moon's Rupes Recta. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Credit: Pete Lawrence

Roughly 300m (1,000ft) high, it rises above the mare at an angle of about 20°.

East of the mare, the second great trio of craters is now lit: Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus and Arzachel. At 153km (96 miles) wide, Ptolemaeus is the largest.

If the conditions are right, and your telescope is up to the job, you may be able to spot saucer-like depressions on the shallow crater floor.

Ptolemaeus, Alphonsos and Arzachel by Gary Thompson
Ptolemaeus, Alphonsos and Arzachel by Gary Thompson

To the south of Ptolemaeus is the 118km (74 mile) Alphonsus, and below Alphonsus is the 97km- (61 mile) wide crater Arzachel. It boasts high ramparts and a tall central peak.

Meanwhile, just to the northeast of Mare Imbrium, the beautiful dark-floored crater Plato has emerged.

Day 9: Copernicus

The crater Copernicus, just below Mare Imbrium, is a spectacular sight.

Use high magnifications to explore this 93km-(58 mile) wide crater and you’ll see its terraced walls, central peaks and the shadows cast by its eastern ramparts on the crater’s floor.

Its rim is about 900m (3,000ft) above the surrounding plain, and it’s easy to see debris stretching away in all directions.

Crater Copernicus Montes-Carpatus by Marc Delaney, Barry, Wales, UK. Equipment: Meade-LS-ACF-6", ZWO-178MC

Despite the crater’s rugged look, the Apollo 17 mission revealed it was quite shallow.

If you now follow the terminator south, you’ll see a large crater standing out from the rest near the bottom of the Moon.

This giant is Clavius – at 225km (141 miles), it’s often incorrectly labelled the Moon’s largest (the 256km Bailly is the record holder).

Eyes of Clavius David Ettie, Washington, Tyne and Wear, 1 April 2020 Equipment: Altair Astro Hypercam 183C colour camera, Celestron 9.25
Eyes of Clavius by David Ettie, Washington, Tyne and Wear, 1 April 2020 Equipment: Altair Astro Hypercam 183C colour camera, Celestron 9.25" SCT, Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount

Clavius crater’s floor and walls have numerous craterlets; the larger your scope, the more you’ll spot. Can you see the clair-oscur effect known as the Eyes of Clavius? This trick of the light is best seen 1 day after first quater.

Above Clavius is the 85km (53 mile) crater Tycho. Explore it tonight when the shadows are long..

Day 11: Mare Humorum

Nicely illuminated in the southwest is Mare Humorum, an oft-overlooked lunar sea.

Search for craterlets and wrinkle ridges on Humorum’s dark floor. Four conspicuous craters flank this mare.

The Moon's Mare humorum. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Credit: Pete Lawrence

The biggest is the 110km (69 mile) Gassendi to the north, with its shallow floor, channels (‘rilles’), hills and central peak.

In the west is Mersenius, on the southern edge is Doppelmayer and to the east is the 58km (36 mile) Hippalus, a half crater flooded by lava from Humorum.

Vallis Schröteri, imaged during Apollo 15. Credit: NASA
Vallis Schröteri, imaged during Apollo 15. Credit: NASA

Now follow the terminator to the northwest portion of the Moon and you’ll see the 40km (25 mile) Aristarchus Crater, the brightest large crater on the Moon.

Northwest of it is the Vallis Schröteri or Schröter’s Valley. This 160km (100 mile) rille was formed by lava flowing from the Cobra’s Head – a lunar volcano.

Observing a waning gibbous

Day 16: Petavius

With Mare Crisium’s eastern edge now in darkness, the mountains that rim this sea show enough shadow to give a three-dimensional aspect to the scene.

At high magnification, the small craters Picard and Peirce in western Crisium pop into view. On the mare’s eastern floor at least one wrinkle ridge is visible.

Moon crater Petavius. Credit: Pete Lawrence
Credit: Pete Lawrence

Far south of Crisium lies a string of four large craters. There’s the terraced 132km (83 mile) Langrenus with a nice peak, the shallow Vendelinus, Petavius with its massive central peak, and Furnerius.

Day 19: Apollo 11 landing site

Tonight, find the site of the famous Apollo 11 landing site, where Neil Armstrong became the first man to take a ‘small step’ onto the lunar surface.

You won’t be able to see the lunar module though, because no telescope is powerful enough.

Look near the terminator in the southeast portion of the Moon and find three craters Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina.

A view of the Apollo 11 landing sites in Mare Tranquillitatis. Credit: Pete Lawrence
A view of the Apollo 11 landing site in Mare Tranquillitatis. Credit: Pete Lawrence

Using a high magnification, look north from Theophilus and find the small craters Torricelli and Maskelyne – both are 24km wide.

Create a triangle with these two as the base and the 7km (4 mile) Moltke to their west.

One-third of the way between Moltke and the crater Sabine, and just above a line between the two, is the landing site.

Pictures of a gibbous Moon

Below is a selection of images of gibbous Moons, captured by astrophotographers and BBC Sky at Night Magazine readers.

For astro imaging advice, read our beginner's guide to astrophotography or our tutorial on how to photograph the Moon.

And don't forget to send us your images or share them with us via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Moon with Nokia N8 by Andy, Derbyshire, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher EXPLORER-130EM, Nokia N8
Moon with Nokia N8 by Andy, Derbyshire, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher EXPLORER-130EM, Nokia N8
Moon by Stuart Powell, Leeds, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 20d, Helios 1000/102 Achromat refractor, EQ5 mount.
Moon by Stuart Powell, Leeds, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 20d, Helios 1000/102 Achromat refractor, EQ5 mount.
The Moon by Jason Meadows, Kent, UK. Equipment: Bresser Messier N-150, 25mm eyepiece, Barlow x2, Panasonic Lumix TZ5
The Moon by Jason Meadows, Kent, UK. Equipment: Bresser Messier N-150, 25mm eyepiece, Barlow x2, Panasonic Lumix TZ5
Valentines Moon by Jamie Bowring, Devon, UK. Equipment:SW 150p, EQ 3/2, SPC900 webcam.
Valentines Moon by Jamie Bowring, Devon, UK. Equipment:SW 150p, EQ 3/2, SPC900 webcam.
Moon Shot by Mark Cummings, North Yorkshire, UK. Equipment: Canon 450D, Celestron C6S, CG5 mount, T Ring, T adapter
Moon Shot by Mark Cummings, North Yorkshire, UK. Equipment: Canon 450D, Celestron C6S, CG5 mount, T Ring, T adapter
My First Moon Image by Will Arnold, Chesham, Bucks, UK. Equipment: 8
My First Moon Image by Will Arnold, Chesham, Bucks, UK. Equipment: 8" SCT, EQ5 goto mount, Canon 1D Mk3 DSLR.
Clear Moon in May by Peter Murphy, Norwich, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher 150pl Dobsonian Relector, Sony Ericson Experia 8.
Clear Moon in May by Peter Murphy, Norwich, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher 150pl Dobsonian Relector, Sony Ericson Experia 8.
Our Scarred Neighbour by James Persico, Hale, Greater Manchester, UK. Equipment: Casio EX-Z850, Skywatcher Explorer 150P, 10mm eyepiece
Our Scarred Neighbour by James Persico, Hale, Greater Manchester, UK. Equipment: Casio EX-Z850, Skywatcher Explorer 150P, 10mm eyepiece
Waxing Gibbous Moon, Norfolk April 2011 by Kylee Williams, Dartford, UK. Equipment: Nikon D3000.
Waxing Gibbous Moon, Norfolk April 2011 by Kylee Williams, Dartford, UK. Equipment: Nikon D3000.
90% Full Moon by Danny Lee, Maidstone, Kent, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 150p, EQ5 PRO GOTO Mount, Nikon D40.
90% Full Moon by Danny Lee, Maidstone, Kent, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 150p, EQ5 PRO GOTO Mount, Nikon D40.
Moon by Alain Townsend, Oxford, UK. Equipment: Cannon 300D, 200mm Flextube Skywatcher Dobsonian
Moon by Alain Townsend, Oxford, UK. Equipment: Cannon 300D, 200mm Flextube Skywatcher Dobsonian
September Moon by Mike Jennings, Yorkshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron C8 OTA, Canon DSLR at prime focus.
September Moon by Mike Jennings, Yorkshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron C8 OTA, Canon DSLR at prime focus.
Moon 14th September by James Mcconnachie, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK. Equipment: Celestron CN-6, CG5 mount, Canon D60.
Moon 14th September by James Mcconnachie, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK. Equipment: Celestron CN-6, CG5 mount, Canon D60.
Waxing Moon by Alan Stewart, Glenrothes, Fife, UK. Equipment:Canon EOS400D, Skywatcher 150PL
Waxing Moon by Alan Stewart, Glenrothes, Fife, UK. Equipment:Canon EOS400D, Skywatcher 150PL
Moon by Stuart Powell, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW ED80ds pro, Eq5 with motor drives on both axis, sp880 webcam, 2x barlow
Moon by Stuart Powell, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW ED80ds pro, Eq5 with motor drives on both axis, sp880 webcam, 2x barlow
Colour Enhanced Moon, 15 October 2011 by Julian Cooper, Wolverhampton, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 450D, 2x Barlow, Sky-Watcher 150 Explorer Newtonian, EQ3-2 mount.
Colour Enhanced Moon, 15 October 2011 by Julian Cooper, Wolverhampton, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 450D, 2x Barlow, Sky-Watcher 150 Explorer Newtonian, EQ3-2 mount.
Our Closest Neighbour 14.09.11 by James Phillips, Newton Aycliffe, UK. Equipment: Meade ETX 125, Canon 300D
Our Closest Neighbour 14.09.11 by James Phillips, Newton Aycliffe, UK. Equipment: Meade ETX 125, Canon 300D
52 Panel Moon Mosaic by Duncan Healey, Glasgow, UK. Equipment: C9.25, DMK camera.
52 Panel Moon Mosaic by Duncan Healey, Glasgow, UK. Equipment: C9.25, DMK camera.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Danny Ellis, Ashburton, UK. Equipment: Kodak 600D DSLR, Skywatcher Explorer 150p 6
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Danny Ellis, Ashburton, UK. Equipment: Kodak 600D DSLR, Skywatcher Explorer 150p 6" reflector.
18Mp Huge Moon Mosaic by Andre van der Hoeven, HI-Ambacht, The Netherlands. Equipment: C11, DMK21-618
18Mp Huge Moon Mosaic by Andre van der Hoeven, HI-Ambacht, The Netherlands. Equipment: C11, DMK21-618
A Day Before a Full Moon by Paul Bailey, Chester, Cheshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200p Newtonian, HQ5 EQ mount, Microsoft Lifecam Studio HD.
A Day Before a Full Moon by Paul Bailey, Chester, Cheshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200p Newtonian, HQ5 EQ mount, Microsoft Lifecam Studio HD.
Near Full Moon by Tom Chitson, Woking, Surrey, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher Evostar 80ED, Nikon D3000, T-Ring and Adapter.
Near Full Moon by Tom Chitson, Woking, Surrey, UK. Equipment: Sky Watcher Evostar 80ED, Nikon D3000, T-Ring and Adapter.
The Moon by Iain Pugh-Wood, Gloucester, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 130PM Reflector, Orion Starshoot Solar System Colour Imager IV.
The Moon by Iain Pugh-Wood, Gloucester, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 130PM Reflector, Orion Starshoot Solar System Colour Imager IV.
Early Evening Moon by Richard Abels, Exton, Rutland, UK. Equipment: 150mm Helios reflector, EQ5 mount, Home-Built Electric Focusing, Canon EOS 600D at prime focus
Early Evening Moon by Richard Abels, Exton, Rutland, UK. Equipment: 150mm Helios reflector, EQ5 mount, Home-Built Electric Focusing, Canon EOS 600D at prime focus
99% Moon by Richard Wykes, Kettering, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200P, Philips SPC 880 webcam, NEQ6 pro mount.
99% Moon by Richard Wykes, Kettering, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200P, Philips SPC 880 webcam, NEQ6 pro mount.
Moon, 27th September 2012 by Tony Clements, Longwick, Buckinghamshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 150p, Pentax Kx
Moon, 27th September 2012 by Tony Clements, Longwick, Buckinghamshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 150p, Pentax Kx
Waning moon by Tom Howard, Crawley, Sussex, UK. Equipment: Meade 5000 127mm refractor, EQ6, Imaging Source DBK21 camera.
Waning moon by Tom Howard, Crawley, Sussex, UK. Equipment: Meade 5000 127mm refractor, EQ6, Imaging Source DBK21 camera.
The Moon (Luna) by Alan Fennah, Wirral, UK. Equipment: 200mm Orion Optics Newtonian, Canon EOS 1100D.
The Moon (Luna) by Alan Fennah, Wirral, UK. Equipment: 200mm Orion Optics Newtonian, Canon EOS 1100D.
The Gibbous Moon by Neil Levesley, Sheffield, UK. Equipment: Celestron C11, Nikon D40
The Gibbous Moon by Neil Levesley, Sheffield, UK. Equipment: Celestron C11, Nikon D40
Afternoon Moon 67.25 Illum. 16:25 , 19th February 2013 by Steve Ward, Red Lodge, Suffolk, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS1000D, Skywatcher ED80Pro, 1.8 x Barlow, EQ3-2 Mount, APT.
Afternoon Moon 67.25 Illum. 16:25 , 19th February 2013 by Steve Ward, Red Lodge, Suffolk, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS1000D, Skywatcher ED80Pro, 1.8 x Barlow, EQ3-2 Mount, APT.
The Day After Full Moon by Dafydd, New Quay, UK. Equipment: Nikon 3200, T-adaptor, x2 Barlow lens, 4
The Day After Full Moon by Dafydd, New Quay, UK. Equipment: Nikon 3200, T-adaptor, x2 Barlow lens, 4" Parabolic Newtonian Reflector.
Moon by Stephen Dean, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Equipment: Skywatcher 80mm ED, QHY 5.
Moon by Stephen Dean, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Equipment: Skywatcher 80mm ED, QHY 5.
Moon Mosaic by Bill Reed, Street, UK. Equipment: Orion 10
Moon Mosaic by Bill Reed, Street, UK. Equipment: Orion 10" Newt, EQ6 Mount, Phillips Tucam
The Moon 19 April 2013 by Bob Gunnis, Scunthorpe, UK. Equipment: SkyWatcher ED80 Pro, Modded Canon 450D, Astronomik CLS Clip in Filter.
The Moon 19 April 2013 by Bob Gunnis, Scunthorpe, UK. Equipment: SkyWatcher ED80 Pro, Modded Canon 450D, Astronomik CLS Clip in Filter.
Moon by Brett Palmer-Heathman, Hornchurch, Essex, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200, Canon 1100d
Moon by Brett Palmer-Heathman, Hornchurch, Essex, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200, Canon 1100d
Mosaic Moon by Steve Macdonald, Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED Pro, Philips Toucam Pro II webcam.
Mosaic Moon by Steve Macdonald, Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED Pro, Philips Toucam Pro II webcam.
Moon August 14th 2011 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 127mm Maksutov, Kodak Easyshare digital camera
Moon August 14th 2011 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 127mm Maksutov, Kodak Easyshare digital camera
Moon Mosaic by Gemma Burden, Wimborne, Dorset, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 7D, Skywatcher Explorer 150PL, EQ3-2 mount
Moon Mosaic by Gemma Burden, Wimborne, Dorset, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 7D, Skywatcher Explorer 150PL, EQ3-2 mount
2/3rds Phaser of Moon by David Burr, Wimborne, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 650D, Celestron GGEM mount, Williams Optics 120mm Refractor
2/3rds Phaser of Moon by David Burr, Wimborne, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 650D, Celestron GGEM mount, Williams Optics 120mm Refractor
Moon February 13th 2014 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: Skymax 127mm Maksutov, Konica Minolta Dynax 5D.
Moon February 13th 2014 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: Skymax 127mm Maksutov, Konica Minolta Dynax 5D.
Moon 13th April 2014 by Mark Large, Layer de la Haye, Essex, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Williams Optics FLT 110
Moon 13th April 2014 by Mark Large, Layer de la Haye, Essex, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Williams Optics FLT 110
Moon on the 13th May 2014 by Neill Mitchell, Wimborne, Dorset, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 300P SynScan Goto, Canon 7D at prime focus.
Moon on the 13th May 2014 by Neill Mitchell, Wimborne, Dorset, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 300P SynScan Goto, Canon 7D at prime focus.
Moon July 9th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: 127mm Maksutov, Lumix compact digital.
Moon July 9th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: 127mm Maksutov, Lumix compact digital.
Moon July 6th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: 127mm Maksutov, Lumix compact digital.
Moon July 6th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, UK. Equipment: 127mm Maksutov, Lumix compact digital.
The Moon by Dave Garland, Bristol, UK. Equipment: Cannon 1100D, Skywatcher 200P, EQ5 Synscan
The Moon by Dave Garland, Bristol, UK. Equipment: Cannon 1100D, Skywatcher 200P, EQ5 Synscan
Moon August 4th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: SkymaxSky 127, Skywatcher 32mm Plossl eyepiece, Panasonic Lumix.
Moon August 4th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: SkymaxSky 127, Skywatcher 32mm Plossl eyepiece, Panasonic Lumix.
Moon August 11th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skymax 127, Panasonic Lumix.
Moon August 11th by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skymax 127, Panasonic Lumix.
Moon by Andrew Merrick, Newgale, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Equipment: Canon 550d, Williams Optics 120 refractor, EQ6.
Moon by Andrew Merrick, Newgale, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Equipment: Canon 550d, Williams Optics 120 refractor, EQ6.
Mosaic of Moon on 13th August 2014 by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Imaging Source DFK_21AU04.AS_Colour, Williams Optics 80mm
Mosaic of Moon on 13th August 2014 by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Imaging Source DFK_21AU04.AS_Colour, Williams Optics 80mm
Moon 13th Aug 2013 by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Williams Optics FLT 110
Moon 13th Aug 2013 by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Williams Optics FLT 110
The Moon by Paul Mason, Canncok, UK. Equipment: Meade LS8, Canon EOS 1000D
The Moon by Paul Mason, Canncok, UK. Equipment: Meade LS8, Canon EOS 1000D
My First Moon by Chris, Manchester, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Skyliner 150p Dobsonian, Nikon D5100, T-Ring.
My First Moon by Chris, Manchester, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Skyliner 150p Dobsonian, Nikon D5100, T-Ring.
Waxing Gibbous Moon at Perigee by Jon Watson, Edinburgh, UK. Equipment: 90mm Maksutov, 8-24mm zoom, 2.25x Barlow, HTC One Mobile
Waxing Gibbous Moon at Perigee by Jon Watson, Edinburgh, UK. Equipment: 90mm Maksutov, 8-24mm zoom, 2.25x Barlow, HTC One Mobile
Moon Mosaic by Gary Thomson, South Lanarkshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200p, HEQ5, Dmk618 at 30fps
Moon Mosaic by Gary Thomson, South Lanarkshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 200p, HEQ5, Dmk618 at 30fps
Moon Mosaic by Alastair Woodward, Derby, UK. Equipment: Sky-watcher 6
Moon Mosaic by Alastair Woodward, Derby, UK. Equipment: Sky-watcher 6" Newtonian, HEQ5 mount, QHY5L-II.
Moon Mosaïc by David de Cuevas, Treize Vents, Vendé, France. Equipment: Newton 150/750, EQ6, ZWO ASI 120MC
Moon Mosaïc by David de Cuevas, Treize Vents, Vendé, France. Equipment: Newton 150/750, EQ6, ZWO ASI 120MC
Waning moon - 98% by Richard Plant, Lichfield, UK. Equipment: Fujifilm FinePix F80EXR, 2x zoom, Tal 200k, 42mm eyepiece
Waning moon - 98% by Richard Plant, Lichfield, UK. Equipment: Fujifilm FinePix F80EXR, 2x zoom, Tal 200k, 42mm eyepiece
The Moon - 6th January 2015 by Gavin James, Marlborough, UK. Equipment: Celestron EdgeHD 800, Orion StarShoot Solar System Colour Imager IV.
The Moon - 6th January 2015 by Gavin James, Marlborough, UK. Equipment: Celestron EdgeHD 800, Orion StarShoot Solar System Colour Imager IV.
Waxing Moon by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon EOS 700D, Meade 105ETX
Waxing Moon by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon EOS 700D, Meade 105ETX
71% Illumination, 17 panel mosaic! by Jarrod Bennett, Mutxamel, Spain. Equipment: Skywatcher 150PL, ASI120mm, Baader Red filter
71% Illumination, 17 panel mosaic! by Jarrod Bennett, Mutxamel, Spain. Equipment: Skywatcher 150PL, ASI120mm, Baader Red filter
59% by Pat Duffield, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher APO ED80, EQ3 PRO, Celestron Skyris 445C CCD
59% by Pat Duffield, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher APO ED80, EQ3 PRO, Celestron Skyris 445C CCD
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Vince Bawn, Barrow on Humber, UK. Equipment: Canon Eos 350D, Tamron 300mm Lens, tripod.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Vince Bawn, Barrow on Humber, UK. Equipment: Canon Eos 350D, Tamron 300mm Lens, tripod.
Moon April 27th 2015 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Konica Minolta, Skymax 127 Maksutov.
Moon April 27th 2015 by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Konica Minolta, Skymax 127 Maksutov.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Guillaume Doyen, Lorient, Brittany, France. Equipment: Canon EOS 600D, Newtonian 200/800.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Guillaume Doyen, Lorient, Brittany, France. Equipment: Canon EOS 600D, Newtonian 200/800.
Moon by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 10
Moon by Mark Large, Colchester, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 10" RCT, modified Canon EOS 1000D
The Moon by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Equinox 80mm refractor, Skywatcher EQ8 mount, Atik 320e colour camera, IR filter.
The Moon by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Equinox 80mm refractor, Skywatcher EQ8 mount, Atik 320e colour camera, IR filter.
Moon by Patryk Tomalik, Gloucester, UK. Equipment: Stellarvue SV80, Canon 6D
Moon by Patryk Tomalik, Gloucester, UK. Equipment: Stellarvue SV80, Canon 6D
Christmas Moon by Stephen Macdonald, Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED Pro, Philips Toucam Pro II
Christmas Moon by Stephen Macdonald, Bolton, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED Pro, Philips Toucam Pro II
The Moon - 2016-01-19 20:14z by Paul Hutchinson, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Maksutov 127mm, Nikon D60, Skywatcher AltAz.
The Moon - 2016-01-19 20:14z by Paul Hutchinson, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Maksutov 127mm, Nikon D60, Skywatcher AltAz.
Waxing Gibbous Moon and Aldebaran by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, 300mm lens
Waxing Gibbous Moon and Aldebaran by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, 300mm lens
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
The Moon in Daylight by Andy, Spalding, UK data-recalc-dims= Equipment: Skywatcher 200p, Pentax K50" class="wp-image-8228">
The Moon in Daylight by Andy, Spalding, UK> Equipment: Skywatcher 200p, Pentax K50
Moon 22-01-2016 by Paul Cotton, Lincolnshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron c9.25 SCT, 6.3 focal reducer, Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Canon 1100d.
Moon 22-01-2016 by Paul Cotton, Lincolnshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron c9.25 SCT, 6.3 focal reducer, Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Canon 1100d.
Waxing Gibbous Moon 20th Jan 2016 by John Williams, Ashton in Makerfield, UK. Equipment: Sony A58 DSlR, Tripod, Sky Watcher Sky Hawk, Celestron 2x Barlow Lens Adapter.
Waxing Gibbous Moon 20th Jan 2016 by John Williams, Ashton in Makerfield, UK. Equipment: Sony A58 DSlR, Tripod, Sky Watcher Sky Hawk, Celestron 2x Barlow Lens Adapter.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Glorious Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
The Moon by John Riley, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 550, Vixen EDS 103.
The Moon by John Riley, Lancashire, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 550, Vixen EDS 103.
Moon 62% by Daniel Cameron, Patna, India. Equipment: Skywatcher Evostar 120mm refractor, NEQ6 Mount, ZWO ASI174MM CMOS, #80A Blue Filter, UV/IR L-Blocking filter.
Moon 62% by Daniel Cameron, Patna, India. Equipment: Skywatcher Evostar 120mm refractor, NEQ6 Mount, ZWO ASI174MM CMOS, #80A Blue Filter, UV/IR L-Blocking filter.
Lunar Mosaic by Samuele Draghi, Saronno, Italy. Equipment: Celestron C8, Barlow 2x, ZWO ASI120 MC-S.
Lunar Mosaic by Samuele Draghi, Saronno, Italy. Equipment: Celestron C8, Barlow 2x, ZWO ASI120 MC-S.
Blue Sky Moon! by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Blue Sky Moon! by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Scott Findlay, Berwockshire, UK. Equipment: Mesu 200 mount, Altair Starwave 102, Point Grey Flea 3, Baader IR Pass filter
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Scott Findlay, Berwockshire, UK. Equipment: Mesu 200 mount, Altair Starwave 102, Point Grey Flea 3, Baader IR Pass filter
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Stephen Heliczer, Cuffley, London, UK. Equipment: Celestron Evolution 8, Focal Reducer, ZWO ASI 120MC Camera.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Stephen Heliczer, Cuffley, London, UK. Equipment: Celestron Evolution 8, Focal Reducer, ZWO ASI 120MC Camera.
The Moon by Paul Shepperd, Hampshire, UK. Equipment: NIKON D7200
The Moon by Paul Shepperd, Hampshire, UK. Equipment: NIKON D7200
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Stephen Heliczer, Hertfordshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron Evolution 8, Focal Reducer, ZWO ASI 120MC.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Stephen Heliczer, Hertfordshire, UK. Equipment: Celestron Evolution 8, Focal Reducer, ZWO ASI 120MC.
The Moon in High Resolution by Houssem Ksontini, Tunis, Tunisia. Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, Neq3-2 mount, Nikon D5300
The Moon in High Resolution by Houssem Ksontini, Tunis, Tunisia. Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, Neq3-2 mount, Nikon D5300
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm
The Moon 13th July by John Foster, Plymouth, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 130, EQ2 mount, single axis motor, Nikon D3200, 2x Barlow.
The Moon 13th July by John Foster, Plymouth, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 130, EQ2 mount, single axis motor, Nikon D3200, 2x Barlow.
Our Wonderful Moon by Roger Humber, Stoke on Trent, UK. Equipment: Nikon D3300, 300mm lens.
Our Wonderful Moon by Roger Humber, Stoke on Trent, UK. Equipment: Nikon D3300, 300mm lens.
'True Colour' Moon by Ruzeen Farsad, Kettering, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher HEQ5, Skywatcher 150/750 Astrophotograph Newtonian, Canon 760D, remote shutter.
'True Colour' Moon by Ruzeen Farsad, Kettering, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher HEQ5, Skywatcher 150/750 Astrophotograph Newtonian, Canon 760D, remote shutter.
Lunar Detail - 64% Visible - 10 October 2016 by Kevin Jackson, Southport, UK. Equipment: Sky-Watcher Equinox Pro 80ED, QHY5L-IIM, UHC Filter.
Lunar Detail - 64% Visible - 10 October 2016 by Kevin Jackson, Southport, UK. Equipment: Sky-Watcher Equinox Pro 80ED, QHY5L-IIM, UHC Filter.
Moon by Richard Woodhouse, Doncaster, UK. Equipment: Nikon D40, Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS, EQ5 Pro GOTO.
Moon by Richard Woodhouse, Doncaster, UK. Equipment: Nikon D40, Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS, EQ5 Pro GOTO.
Lovely Luna by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm telescope (prime focus single shot).
Lovely Luna by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm telescope (prime focus single shot).
Lunar Mosaic by Samuele Draghi, Saronno, Italy. Equipment: Celestron C8, Sony A58
Lunar Mosaic by Samuele Draghi, Saronno, Italy. Equipment: Celestron C8, Sony A58
Moon with a Blue Filter by Anthony Taylor, Surrey, UK. Equipment: Celestron Nexstar 4SE, Nikon D1000, T adapter.
Moon with a Blue Filter by Anthony Taylor, Surrey, UK. Equipment: Celestron Nexstar 4SE, Nikon D1000, T adapter.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Moon by Neil Springate, Cardiff, UK. Equipment: Equipment: SkyWatcher 150PDS, Canon 60D at prime focus.
Moon by Neil Springate, Cardiff, UK. Equipment: Equipment: SkyWatcher 150PDS, Canon 60D at prime focus.
The Moon by Barry Gibson, Leeds, UK. Equipment: Nikon P900 bridge camera
The Moon by Barry Gibson, Leeds, UK. Equipment: Nikon P900 bridge camera
Gibbous Crescent (Part 2) by Nick, Long Island, NY, USA. Equipment: Celestron C70, Note 3
Gibbous Crescent (Part 2) by Nick, Long Island, NY, USA. Equipment: Celestron C70, Note 3
First Quarter Moon by Charlie Herbert, Reading, Berkshire, UK. Equipment: Sky-watcher Explorer-200P Reflector, EQ5 mount, Canon EOS 450D.
First Quarter Moon by Charlie Herbert, Reading, Berkshire, UK. Equipment: Sky-watcher Explorer-200P Reflector, EQ5 mount, Canon EOS 450D.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
97% Illuminated Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
97% Illuminated Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
The Moon Waxing Gibbous by William Wood, Rainham, Essex, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 450D, Celestron Advanced VX 8
The Moon Waxing Gibbous by William Wood, Rainham, Essex, UK. Equipment: Canon EOS 450D, Celestron Advanced VX 8" Edge HD, Celestron Focal Reducer 0.7x
The Moon by Houssem Ksontini, Tunis, Tunisia. Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, Neq3-2 mount, Nikon D5300
The Moon by Houssem Ksontini, Tunis, Tunisia. Equipment: Skywatcher 150/750, Neq3-2 mount, Nikon D5300
Lua by Fernando Mioto Jðnior, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Equipment: Telescópio reflector 76mm, 700mm câmera celular moto G
Lua by Fernando Mioto Jðnior, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. Equipment: Telescópio reflector 76mm, 700mm câmera celular moto G
Independence Day Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Independence Day Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Lunar mosaic 08/08/2017 by Dmitry Ardashev, Zaprudnya, Russia. Equipment: SkyWatcher BK P2001 Newtonian reflector, HEQ5 Pro equatorial mount, ZWO ASI178MC camera.
Lunar mosaic 08/08/2017 by Dmitry Ardashev, Zaprudnya, Russia. Equipment: SkyWatcher BK P2001 Newtonian reflector, HEQ5 Pro equatorial mount, ZWO ASI178MC camera.
21 Days Old, Waning Gibbous Moon by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102MM Apo, Reducer, Hypercam IMX178
21 Days Old, Waning Gibbous Moon by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102MM Apo, Reducer, Hypercam IMX178
Waning Gibbous Moon, 21 Days Old by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102MM Apo, Reducer, Hypercam IMX178
Waning Gibbous Moon, 21 Days Old by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102MM Apo, Reducer, Hypercam IMX178
Waning Gibbous Moon by David Blanchflower, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Equipment: Sky-Watcher Explorer 200P, manual EQ-5 mount, Canon 1200D.
Waning Gibbous Moon by David Blanchflower, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Equipment: Sky-Watcher Explorer 200P, manual EQ-5 mount, Canon 1200D.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102mm Apo, Altair Hypercam 178.
Waning Gibbous Moon by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102mm Apo, Altair Hypercam 178.
Bright Moon Shining over Tenerife by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon 600D, Canon 100-400mm lens, Yongnuo 2X teleconverter.
Bright Moon Shining over Tenerife by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon 600D, Canon 100-400mm lens, Yongnuo 2X teleconverter.
Waxing Gibbous November Moon by Mark Forbes, Stockport, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro StarWave 102ED Refractor, Altair IMX178 colour Hypercam, AltairCapture.
Waxing Gibbous November Moon by Mark Forbes, Stockport, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro StarWave 102ED Refractor, Altair IMX178 colour Hypercam, AltairCapture.
74% illuminated by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
74% illuminated by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Moon by Dennis Dmitriev, PA, USA. Equipment: Celestron 6SE, Canon t2i
Moon by Dennis Dmitriev, PA, USA. Equipment: Celestron 6SE, Canon t2i
77% illuminated by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
77% illuminated by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Moon by James, Croydon, UK. Equipment: ZWO 120mc-s, Esprit 80ed
Moon by James, Croydon, UK. Equipment: ZWO 120mc-s, Esprit 80ed
New Years Eve Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
New Years Eve Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Maksutov 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon 28-12-2017 by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102mm Apo refractor, Mesu Mount, Altair Astro IMX178C Hypercam.
Waxing Gibbous Moon 28-12-2017 by Harvey Scoot, Essex, UK. Equipment: Altair Astro 102mm Apo refractor, Mesu Mount, Altair Astro IMX178C Hypercam.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Mark Fuller, Stafford, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher ED100, Altair Hypercam 183c, Baader 7nm Ha filter
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Mark Fuller, Stafford, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher ED100, Altair Hypercam 183c, Baader 7nm Ha filter
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Waxing Gibbous Moon by Sarah & Simon Fisher, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, UK. Equipment: Canon 600D, Mak 127mm.
Moon 83% by Fernando Oliveira De Menezes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Equipment: APO 150mm Triplet ED, Asi 174mm,
Moon 83% by Fernando Oliveira De Menezes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Equipment: APO 150mm Triplet ED, Asi 174mm,
MOON 69% by Fernando Oliveira De Menezes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Equipment: C11 Edge, Focal reducer, ASI 1600mm
MOON 69% by Fernando Oliveira De Menezes, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Equipment: C11 Edge, Focal reducer, ASI 1600mm
Moon from North Tenerife by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon 700D, Canon 100-400mm lens, Yongnuo 2X converter
Moon from North Tenerife by Peter Louer, Tenerife. Equipment: Canon 700D, Canon 100-400mm lens, Yongnuo 2X converter
Summer Solstice Moon by Kevin Stewart, Alnwick, Northumberland, UK. Equipment: Opticstar 102mm refractor, qhyiiiL178m Camera, ir pass filter, Celestron avx mount
Summer Solstice Moon by Kevin Stewart, Alnwick, Northumberland, UK. Equipment: Opticstar 102mm refractor, qhyiiiL178m Camera, ir pass filter, Celestron avx mount
First Quarter Montage 20/06/2018 by David Ettie, Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK. Equipment: Celestron 9.25
First Quarter Montage 20/06/2018 by David Ettie, Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK. Equipment: Celestron 9.25" SCT, HEQ5 Pro mount, OTA, Crayford focuser, Skywatcher focus motor, Nikon D3200.

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