Perseus Double Cluster

Perseus Double Cluster

Images of the Perseus Double Cluster and advice on how to observe it.

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Published: July 13, 2021 at 1:27 pm

The Perseus Double Cluster is a duo of star clusters located 7,100 and 7,400 lightyears away, but which appear right next to each other in the night sky.

The two clusters are h Persei, known as NGC 869, and chi Persei, known as NGC 884. They are 5.6 million years old and 3.6 million years old, respectively.

The Perseus Double Cluster is also known as Caldwell 14, part of the Caldwell Catalogue conceived by Sir Patrick Moore.

The Double Cluster in Perseus by Steve Loveridge, Wellington, Somerset, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Astronomik CLS CCD filter, William Optics ZS70, Flattener III, HEQ5 Pro, EQMOD, 100mm guide, QHY5v CCD, PhD.
The Double Cluster in Perseus by Steve Loveridge, Wellington, Somerset, UK. Equipment: Modified Canon EOS 1000d, Astronomik CLS CCD filter, William Optics ZS70, Flattener III, HEQ5 Pro, EQMOD, 100mm guide, QHY5v CCD, PhD.

How to see the Perseus Double Cluster

You can find the Perseus Double Cluster in the night sky in the Perseus constellation, about halfway between star Mirfak and the famous W-shaped constellation of Cassiopeia.

Under dark conditions, you should be able to see the Perseus Double Cluster fairly easily in the night sky (it's one of our favourite star clusters to see with the naked eye), but a look through binoculars or a small telescope will provide an even better view.

If you're viewing in the northern hemisphere, the good news is that the double cluster is circumpolar, meaning it can be seen above the horizon at night all year long.

Below is a selection of images of the Perseus Double Cluster captured by astrophotographers and BBC Sky at Night Magazine readers.

For help photographing the night sky, read our guide to astrophotography or discover our pick of the best astrophotography cameras.

And don't forget you can send us your images or share them with us via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Double Cluster in Perseus by John Slinn, Loxwood, W. Sussex, UK. Equipment: Vixen VC200L, modded Canon 450D
Double Cluster in Perseus by John Slinn, Loxwood, W. Sussex, UK. Equipment: Vixen VC200L, modded Canon 450D
The double cluster NGC884-NGC869 by Brian Steven Parker, North Wales, UK. Equipment: 200mm Skywatcher, Canon D500, Neq6 Pro.
The double cluster NGC884-NGC869 by Brian Steven Parker, North Wales, UK. Equipment: 200mm Skywatcher, Canon D500, Neq6 Pro.
Bonfire Night Double Cluster by Bill McSorley, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW150P,n EQ5 GoTo Mount, QHY8L OSC cooled ccd.
Bonfire Night Double Cluster by Bill McSorley, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW150P,n EQ5 GoTo Mount, QHY8L OSC cooled ccd.
NGC 869 - Double cluster in Perseus by David Burr, Wimborne, UK. Equipment: Canon 500d, Williams Optics refractor, Skywatcher Pro Mount.
NGC 869 - Double cluster in Perseus by David Burr, Wimborne, UK. Equipment: Canon 500d, Williams Optics refractor, Skywatcher Pro Mount.
Caldwell 14 Double Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Equinox 80mm refractor, Canon Eos 1100d self-modified, Astronomik CLS CCD clip filter.
Caldwell 14 Double Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Equinox 80mm refractor, Canon Eos 1100d self-modified, Astronomik CLS CCD clip filter.
NGC884 & NGC869 - Double Cluster in Perseus by Bill McSorley, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW 150P Newtonian, EQ5 GoTo Mount, QHY8L OSC cooled ccd camera.
NGC884 & NGC869 - Double Cluster in Perseus by Bill McSorley, Leeds, UK. Equipment: SW 150P Newtonian, EQ5 GoTo Mount, QHY8L OSC cooled ccd camera.
C14 Double Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Equinox 80mm refractor, Atik 383L  camera, motorised filter wheel, Astronomik LRGB filters.
C14 Double Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount, Equinox 80mm refractor, Atik 383L camera, motorised filter wheel, Astronomik LRGB filters.
Perseus Double Cluster by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Startravel 80 refractor, Konica Minolta DSLR at prime focus
Perseus Double Cluster by Philip Pugh, Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Startravel 80 refractor, Konica Minolta DSLR at prime focus
NGC 869/884 Double cluster in a different way... by André van der Hoeven & Fabian Neyer, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, The Netherlands. Equipment: TMB92SS, QSI583ws, Televue NP101, SBIG STL11000m
NGC 869/884 Double cluster in a different way... by André van der Hoeven & Fabian Neyer, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, The Netherlands. Equipment: TMB92SS, QSI583ws, Televue NP101, SBIG STL11000m
C14 Double Open Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Teleskop service 8
C14 Double Open Cluster by Mark Griffith, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Teleskop service 8" Boren simon power newtonian, Skywatcher NEQ6 pro mount,Atik 383L camera, motorised filter wheel and Astronomik filters.
The Double Cluster by Gavin James, Marlborough, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED, QSI 683-WSG.
The Double Cluster by Gavin James, Marlborough, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher 80ED, QSI 683-WSG.
The Double Cluster (also known as Caldwell 14) by Trevor Nicholls, Chelmsford, UK. Equipment: Takahashi FSQ 106 ED at native FL, QSI 6120 , Astrodon LRGB filters, Lodestar X2, Paramount MX.
The Double Cluster (also known as Caldwell 14) by Trevor Nicholls, Chelmsford, UK. Equipment: Takahashi FSQ 106 ED at native FL, QSI 6120 , Astrodon LRGB filters, Lodestar X2, Paramount MX.
Double Cluster by Jaspal Chadha, London, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Esprit 100ED, Ioptron CEM60 Mount, QSI 690 CCD.
Double Cluster by Jaspal Chadha, London, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Esprit 100ED, Ioptron CEM60 Mount, QSI 690 CCD.
Double Cluster by Jaspal Chadha, London, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Esprit 100ED, Ioptron CEM60 Mount, QHY9S, Chroma Technology LRGB filters.
Double Cluster by Jaspal Chadha, London, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Esprit 100ED, Ioptron CEM60 Mount, QHY9S, Chroma Technology LRGB filters.
NGC 884 & NGC 869 by Jaspal Chadha, London UK. Equipment: Espirt 100ED (Quad lens) @ F5.5, Ioptron CEM60, QHY9S, Chroma Technology LRGB filters
NGC 884 & NGC 869 by Jaspal Chadha, London UK. Equipment: Espirt 100ED (Quad lens) @ F5.5, Ioptron CEM60, QHY9S, Chroma Technology LRGB filters
Ngc884/869 Double Cluster by Daniel Orchard, Melksham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 200p, EQ5 mount unguided, Nikon D50 at prime focus
Ngc884/869 Double Cluster by Daniel Orchard, Melksham, Wiltshire, UK. Equipment: Skywatcher Explorer 200p, EQ5 mount unguided, Nikon D50 at prime focus
NGC884 & NGC869 The Double Cluster by Terry Hancock, Fremont, Michigan, UK. Equipment: Astro-Tech AT64 Quadruplet Refractor, QHY23M Monochrome @ -20C, Rainbow-Astro RST-400 EQ Mount, Optolong Filters
NGC884 & NGC869 The Double Cluster by Terry Hancock, Fremont, Michigan, UK. Equipment: Astro-Tech AT64 Quadruplet Refractor, QHY23M Monochrome @ -20C, Rainbow-Astro RST-400 EQ Mount, Optolong Filters
Double Cluster by Jaspal, London, UK. Equipment: Takahashi FSQ85, Ioptron 45 pro, QHY9s CCD, Chroma Filters.
Double Cluster by Jaspal, London, UK. Equipment: Takahashi FSQ85, Ioptron 45 pro, QHY9s CCD, Chroma Filters.
The Double Cluster in Perseus by Peter R Longden, Weston Turville, Buckinghamshire, UK. Equipment: Altair Wave Series 115 F7 ED Triplet APO, SkyWatcher NEQ6 (on pier), SX Lodestar X2, PHD2, Trius SX 694 mono CCD, SX filter wheel, Baader 1.25
The Double Cluster in Perseus by Peter R Longden, Weston Turville, Buckinghamshire, UK. Equipment: Altair Wave Series 115 F7 ED Triplet APO, SkyWatcher NEQ6 (on pier), SX Lodestar X2, PHD2, Trius SX 694 mono CCD, SX filter wheel, Baader 1.25" LRGB filters, Altair PlanoStar 0.79x field reducer/flattener, Lakeside Astro motorised focuser.
NGC869 - Double Cluster by Raoul van Eijndhoven, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK. Equipment: 80mm Triplet Refractor, modded Canon 1000D, self modified EQ5 goto mount.
NGC869 - Double Cluster by Raoul van Eijndhoven, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK. Equipment: 80mm Triplet Refractor, modded Canon 1000D, self modified EQ5 goto mount.

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