In recent months we’ve really battled the evening elements to bring you reviews of astronomical equipment for looking at, tracking and imaging the night sky.
For deep-sky sights and imaging, you can only hope for clear, steady moonless skies, and you can usually guarantee it’s those nights that will be cloudy.
As the nights get shorter and we approach springtime, why not double your chances at observing by turning to the daytime sky and exploring our nearest and brightest star, the Sun!
In this month’s issue Gary Palmer explores the virtues of the Daystar Sodium D-Line Quark eyepiece filter, which enables you to add either an eyepiece or imaging camera for the final views.
An advantage of the Sodium D line is that it can often perform well under poor conditions such as the low Sun during the winter months, so this is something that can be used year-round and still give good results.
It also means you can do astronomy during the day and avoid those cold freezing nights in the winter.
Read Gary’s review in the March issue of BBC Sky at Night Magazine and take your astronomical viewing and imaging into the daytime!
Still, we must not forget most us do observe and image at night and, with this in mind, in the March issue Pete Lawrence tests the Losmandy G11-G equatorial mount with Gemini-2 Mini control system.
Computer control has come a long way from the original bulky systems and compactness is now key, so see what Pete made of the system in his review.
Finally, refractors have been astronomer’s staple for centuries ever since Galileo turned his to the night sky, so we asked Tim Jardine to look at the Omegon AP 104/650 ED apo.
See what Tim made of it and catch up on the latest astronomy news and reviews in the March 2017 issue of BBC Sky at Night Magazine, out 16 February.